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Position:Home>History> What were the legacies of reconstruction?

Question: What were the legacies of reconstruction!?
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The legacies of reconstruction!.!.!.well, they were many and obscure!.

some of the obvious ones!.!.!.

-Jim Crow laws!. These were laws meant to keep blacks separated from whites!. Basically, these are the laws behind segregation!. They were instituted shortly after southern redeemers returned to power in the South!.

-the "Redeemers"!. They were southern white democrats who returned to power near the end of the reconstruction era and held political influence for more than 100 years!. Their policies were mainly concerned with the subjugation of blacks and the stalling of civil rights legislation in congress!.

-The 14th and 15th Amendments!. These probably have the greatest legacy!. The 14th amendment extended all of the rights of the constitution to all citizens of the United States and officially recognized former slaves as citizens too!. The 15th amendment extended voting rights to all citizens regardless of race!. These two amendments were used later on in history to support other issues, like womens' suffrage (19th amendment), equal pay in the workplace, etc!.

-Race Hate Groups!. This is when the KKK and similar groups were created!. During reconstruction itself, these groups acted mainly as little paramilitary bands that terrorized the newly freed slaves!. It wasn't until the early 20th century that they rose to national prominence and hit peak membership!. And here's a legacy for you---they're still around and hating to this very day!.

And that's basically all that comes to mind right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com