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Position:Home>History> FDR project..Help!?

Question: FDR project!.!.Help!!?
I have to pretend that I am Franklin Roosevelt in two days!.!.!. and I have to bring two artifacts that symbolize FDR!. For ex!.!.!. If I was Mark Twain I would bring a cigar or sumthin!. What are some artifacts that you think I should use!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Let's see!. I would go with the cigarette holder and pince nez glasses!. The rumpled fedora all were his trademarks!. See pic at:

also, FDR did not contract polio until he was 39 and lived a normal healthy life before theat!. A previous post states he had the disease as a child!.

I am fortunate enough to own one of his canes!.!.!.which I would never part with!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most compelling personal evidence of Roosevelt was that he had had polio as a child and walked with crutches or a cane and later was confined to a wheel chair!. He wore glasses but they weren't unique, he wore a fedora but a lot of men did then!. I would say besides his affliction his most notable personal "artifact" would be his wife Eleanor who made quite a name for herself as well!.

He is noted for his speeches so a microphone might be a prop as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A pipe and a wheel chair!. He had polio!.Www@QuestionHome@Com