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Position:Home>History> Anderson? what did it mean during...?

Question: Anderson!? what did it mean during!.!.!.!?
im reading a book now for english class, its called Good Night Mr Tom!. its set during World War 1!. They seem to be using the name 'Anderson' a lot!. But not as a surname!? what else does it mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Knownow't is correct!.
They were named after Sir Robert Anderson - minister with responsiblity for air raid precautions
There used to be one in my grandmother's garden - it was full of spiders, wet and rather scarey - I was only very young!.

To see what they looked like see:

There was a thing called an Anderson Shelter, which was a bomb shelter built in the garden!.!.!.it was a ramshackle affair made of corrugated sheeting and covered with earth!.!.!.not sure if it was named after the inventor or a government Minister!.Www@QuestionHome@Com