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Position:Home>History> Why have Jewish people been treated badly throughout history ?

Question: Why have Jewish people been treated badly throughout history !?
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For centuries Jews were considered "Christ killers" by the Christian world which led to much persecution, the Inquisition, pogroms, burning of synagogues,books, Torahs, the Holocaust, the Ku Klux Klan, et al!. However, amidst all this turmoil few Christians understood that above all else that Jesus Christ was first and foremost a Jew!.

Martin Luther railed against the Jews after they rejected Christ and, as a result, he wrote treatise after treatise advocating their destruction!. Methods he suggested included burning them alive after locking them in their synagogues, destroying the Torahs, driving them out of their homes, etc!. This would provide the impetus for the Holocaust 5 centuries later!.

It wasn't until 1879 when a German newspaper editor, Wilhem Marr, coined the phrase anti-semitism!. That's when the notion of a Jewish race was promulgated throughout Germany and eventually all of Europe!. In the past Judaism was considered to be only a religion that under significant pressure, such as the Inquisition, could be changed if needed!. I would like to add that many of those who converted to Christianity did so under duress and fear, but continued to practice Judaism in secret, crypto-Jews!.

On the other hand, when the term anti-semite began to be used the entire picture changed because while in the past one could change their religion, they could not change their ethnicity or race!. As a result this left the door open for the Holocaust!. Jews were believed to be a pestilent race and as such must be destroyed!. If any person or country is overrun by a pest you need to call in the Orkin man!. Hitler was the Orkin man!.

A Jew is a Jew provided their mother is Jewish!. No, one does not have to be a practicing or a religious Jew to be a Jew!. There are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Hasisdic, agnostic and atheistic Jews because of the Abrahamic covenant!. When one has been born into a Jewish family you are considered to be a Jew whether you practice it or not!. It is perhaps for a gentile to understand Judaism unless they take to study the religion!.

My interest was first stimulated to study and familiarize myself with the faith because my parents had Jewish friends and my mother worked at an accounting firm owned by Jews!. My knowledge of Judaism stems from extensive studies at the university as a history major with an emphasis on Jewish history!. Shalom,


Even though the early Christian Church was founded as a sect of Judaism, the Jews were condemned later by the Church, allegedly because they were the ones who condemned Christ to crucifixion!. In reality, the Pharosees, Herod, Pontius Pilate, and even Christ himself could arguably be the reason Christ was crucified (i!.e!., Christ could have forced the hand of the Romans to fulfill the prophecy)!.

also, Jews have been the ultimate outsiders since ancient times, keeping themselves apart and trying to retain a separate identity!. Anyone who is an outsider is viewed with suspicion!. This has led to the laws which forbade Jews from owning real estate, which required them to either convert or leave Spain, etc!. Then, when they made money because they were forced into trades like banking and other non-real estate businesses, they were treated with even more suspicion!. It was a Catch-22 for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In biblical times, they occupied a critical junction between Africa , Europe and Asia!. It was inevitable that they would either be the conquered or the conquerer!. In those days, it was common for prisoners from a conquered nation to be used a slaves!.

In Joseph's time, famine drove Jacob's family to Egypt and their desc!. became (according to bible, not by any historical record) slaves to Pharaoh

After the disaspora, Catholic philosophy prevented Christians from being 'money-lenders', a sinful occupation! Jews were actually recruited to move into various European cities to take on the banking duties that Christians were not allowed to practice!. Their financial success (for some small part of the Jewish population) frequently led to resentment and violence

Jews stuck to their religion!.!.!.!. There was little intermarriage with people in the host countries!. Their customs were alien to many in the host countries who, when ever anything went wrong, used Jews as scapegoats for the event!. Jews were said to have killed Christ and were never to be forgiven for that (Even though the Master Plan required it, for mankind's salvation!. Today, the church tells its members that Jews are not to blame for Christ's death)

Finally, Jews have become, probably because the intelligent of any group tend to survive tragedy, generally smarter and more inventive and more artistic as a group than other 'races' (using the word 'race' advisedly, of course)!. The Jews have been through so much that their mettle has been improved tremendously!. That could be a racist comment, but I'm not Jewish!.

Another responder says that muslims have always hated Jews!. This is not particularly true!. the Jews are "the People of the Book", to Muslims!. Muslims have tended, like Christians, to have mostly normal relations with Jews, punctuated by times of extreme prejudice and hatred!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this question deserves a serious answer!.

First, the Jews are not only a minority (lots of groups are that, and some get picked on for it) but Jews are an obviously different - alien, if you like - group!. Their dietary rules make it hard for an observant Jew to share food with a gentile; and sharing food is a major bonding rite in almost all cultures!.

Next, the Romans distrusted them!. The Jews were stubborn enough to rebel and go on rebelling against Roman rule when most conquered nations eventually knuckled under!. Read Juvenal to get the feel of some (quite casual) anti-Jewish remarks in the Roman empire!. It is natural that the only Roman institution (the Church) to survive continuously should at one time have transmitted this prejudice!. The death of Jesus (himself a Jew!) and the perceived guilt of the Jewish nation inflamed it!.

Finally, they were through no fault of their own a wandering, landless people (those Romans again, who finally wiped out their nation as an organised political unit)!.THis meant that they were, everywhere, aliens, and became convenient scapegoats - like immigrant groups today!.

The prophet Mohammed must share the blame!. Muslims, and in particular Arab ones, seem to have hated Jews continuously ever since his time!. They have become particularly upset of course since Israel was founded!.

I want to emphasise that understanding the historical reasons for Jew-hatred does not mean that I accept them or condone the prejudice!. A reason is not always an excuse!. In my experience the Jews in the UK are, on average, better citizens than most, manage to keep their own culture while conforming to the rest of us and mix well with other groups!. If only all of us were so tolerant and so wise!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been studying this in history and its really sad to read about!. I guess its just because they're different, but its not just jews who get treated badly!. Anyone who tries to be different from whats consider 'normal' will be treated badly one time or another!. I guess people just see different people as weird, they want everyone to be the same and try not to stand out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all started because of the holocaust!.!.!. people see them as the inferior race!.!.!.!. but i think they are one of the strongest in the world!.!.!. they are being attacked physically and vocally by nearly every other race, especially muslims!.!.!. (dont deny it cause its true) and yet they stand up and defeat any battle!.!.!.

i say fight on and ***** the rest!.!.!. go jews!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

many powerful races considered them inferior!. even during the time of Pharaohs, they were considered inferior!. but it is not only the Jews that was treated badly in history!. count also the blacks and some Asians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you expect if you consider yourselves as the "chosen ones!?"
How arrogant is that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

every religion has been treated badly in different periods of time!. its not just jews! x

you can give me thumbs down- i know its just because you are a jew with a chip on your shoulder! get over it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of people/religions get treated badly!. Why does everyone focus on the Jews so much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they turned there back on godWww@QuestionHome@Com