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Question: Italy from 1650-1750!?
I'm doing a research project for my school (>_<) and need info on Italy from 1650-1750!. It's hard to find stuff spanning that time period online (at least for me), so I was wondering if anyone had any info on that!? Things like how they dressed, day-to-day life, religion, etc!. If you know any books on this feel free to recommend =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For Clothing:



Itlay was and is almost entirely Roman Catholic!. also 1650-1750 spanned the Age of Religious Wars in Europe and the dawn of the Enlightenment!. Italy remained conservative throughout this period regarding religion and morals!. Because of this, the Enlightenment occured mostly in Northern Europe (German, France, England, and Scotland)!.

Day-to-day life:

(general European daily life from the 17th Century)

Genral History:

During this era, Italy was dominated by the Hapsburg Family!. In the 17th Century, Southern Italy and Milan were controlled by the Spanish Hapsburgs, and the rest of the country was composed of various independent kingdoms and city-states (Florence, Genoa, Venice, etc)

With the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, control over Italy was passed to Austrian Hapsburgs!. Under their control Northern Italy experienced an economic and cultural boom, making it drastically different both economically and culturally from the South, this difference continues to this day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com