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Position:Home>History> Do u really think lizzie borden killed those ppl?

Question: Do u really think lizzie borden killed those ppl!?
and plz tell me the whole story cuz i forgot it plz if u dont mindWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The anonymous rhyme above was made up by a writer as "eye candy" to sell newspapers!.

In reality her stepmother suffered 18 or 19 blows, her father 11!.

The Borden household was NOT a happy home!.

Shortly before the murders, a heated argument had taken place which resulted in both Lizzie and her sister Emma, leaving home on extended "vacations!." Lizzie Borden, however, decided to cut her trip short and return home early!.

The Borden sisters' uncle, John V!. Morse, brother of Andrew Borden's first wife, was on an extended visit at the time too!.

Conveniently!.!.!. both the other sister AND the uncle were not at the home and away visiting during the time of the murders

Lizzie was just refused the purchase of prussic acid by a local druggist, which she claimed was for cleaning a seal skin coat!.
also!.!.!. Shortly before the murders, the entire household took violently ill!. Mr!. Borden was not a popular man in town, Mrs!. Borden feared they were being poisoned, but the family doctor diagnosed it as bad food!.

On the morning of August 4, 1892, Borden's father, Andrew Jackson Borden, and stepmother, Abby Borden, were murdered in the family home!. Only Lizzie and the family maid, Bridget Sullivan!.!.!.!. whom many have speculated that there might have been "something" going on between Lizzie and Bridget!.

She was guilty as hell! LOL
People just refused to believe that a "female" could commit a crime that horrible!. The fact that no murder weapon was found and no blood evidence was noted just a few minutes after the second murder pointed to reasonable doubt!.

She lived to a ripe old age of 66, and was a pleasant neighbor, never giving anyone any trouble!.
Bridget lived there with Lizzie for a while, but then left, never heard from again!. Sister Emma never lived in the house after the murder!. Lizzie died never being married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On August 4, 1892, Borden's father, Andrew Jackson Borden, and her stepmother, Abby Borden, were murdered in the family home!. The only other people present at the residence at the time were Lizzie and the family maid, Bridget Sullivan!. That day, Andrew Borden had gone into town to do his usual rounds at the bank and post office!. He returned home at about 10:45!. About a half-hour later, Lizzie Borden found his body!. According to Sullivan's testimony, she was lying down in her room on the third floor of the house shortly after 11:00 am when she heard Lizzie call to her, saying someone had killed her father, whose body was found slumped on a couch in the downstairs sitting room!. Andrew Borden's face was turned to the right hand side, apparently as if he were asleep!.Shortly thereafter, while Lizzie Borden was being tended by neighbors and the family doctor, Sullivan discovered the body of Mrs!. Borden upstairs, in the guest bedroom!. Mr!. and Mrs!. Borden had both been killed by blows from a hatchet!. By the story I think that the maid killed them because there isnt a reason for Lizzie to kill her parents!.!.!.The maid on the other hand might have a reason as in she wanted to steal valuable item!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although she was acquitted, Lizzie probably did the deed (murdered her father, with an axe, while he was napping on the living room sofa, and her stepmother, while she napped in the upstairs guest room)!.

The song went:
Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her father 40 whacks;
And when she saw what she had done, she gave her mother 41!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks!.
And when she saw what she had done
She gave her father forty-one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com