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Position:Home>History> Why macedonia isn't part of EU?

Question: Why macedonia isn't part of EU!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because the price for entering it is too high and Macedonians won't give up nor their name, nor their culture nor history!.!.!.

warm regards from this Holy LandWww@QuestionHome@Com

A major stumbling block for the accession process is the Republic of Macedonia's still-unresolved dispute with Greece over its name!.
The Republic of Macedonia is the name the country prefers for itself, but Greece objected, and the EU designated the country as FYROM (Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia)!. Because of the name issue, Greece refuses to support the accession of Macedonia to the Union, or in fact to NATO!. The EU itself has said that accession will not be possible until Macedonia reverses itself on shutting out ethnic Albanians, and its politicizing of state institutions is another stumbling block!. Thats not officially how they put it, but thats what they mean!.
All in all, it will succeed, eventually, but at the moment Greece and its own policies keep it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reason is that it is not yet ready!.!.!. it is still over-riden by violence and corruption as well as internal civil feuding with its minorities!.!.!. As shown recently the FYROM was unable to conduct free and fair elections!.!.!. it has too many domestic issues it needs to resolve before it can take the next step!.!.!.
from what the world has witnessed recently the name issue with Greece is the least of the FYROM's problemsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Macedonia contributed the most in development in the european civilizaton, but still it's not member of EU!
Ironic but true!
At the end of the year we are waiting positive reply from EU for starting the negotiations for joing EU!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Macedonia is not still part of EU because she still doesn't start her negations with the eurpean union!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Greece is using his veto to stop the EU from offering entry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Macedonia is owned by Egypt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com