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Position:Home>History> Which is better ? life long imprisonment or the capital punishment?

Question: Which is better !? life long imprisonment or the capital punishment!?
recently i have read ''the bet" by Anton Chekhov!. but i am still confused about the conflict of this subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe it depends on the crime!. You have to take each case and consider what the person did!. Was it so horrible that he needs to die for what he did and is he such a monster that he would do it again if he ever got the chance!. Then yes capital punishment is the only way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the United States, capital punishment is more expensive due to legal wrangling which can result in Death Row stays of over 20 years!.

The most cruel punishment, to me, is life without parole (aka death by natural causes)!. Every day the prisoner wakes up in an 8x12 cell!. Every day he looks at the same gray walls!. Every day he looks at the same bars!. Guards go on vacation, but he never leaves!. Guards go home to their families and friends, but the prisoner only sees family and friends on visiting day!. Every day, it's the same thing to eat!. No steaks!. No shrimp!. It's edible, but never good, never what you want nor how much you want!. You shower when you are told to shower!. Your day is regimented by barred doors!. And, you live among thieves and murderers!. People usually don't end up in prison because they are nice people!.

Unlike someone serving a 10 year sentence, you know you will never get out!. You look forward to very small things that would be almost unnoticable on the outside, since, no matter how small, those things are changes from the gray world you wake up to and go to sleep to every day!.

As Johnny Cash sings in Folsom Prison Blues:

I bet there's rich folks eatin',
In a fancy dining car,
They're probably drinkin' coffee,
And smokin' big cigars,
But I know I had it comin',
I know I can't be free,
But those people keep a-movin',
And that's what tortures me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's a battle of ethics do we kill those who commit crimes!? they are still human to do we give them a chance to live and maybe change!?

personally i think the capital punishment is better and the easy way out and should be used more instead of over crowding prisons and using my tax money to pay for criminals to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

capital punishment!. Its quick and painless for the victim!. Its also cheaper for the community because their tax dollars aren't paying for someone else!.
Life long imprisonment is unending torture that can drive someone crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose it depends on the person!. Capital punishment is less taxing on the community and the prison system because it costs a lot of tax money to keep a person alive in prison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what i understand from capital punishment is u pay up what the court directs u to do so & u are let off so this punishment is certainly better than being imprisoned for lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

what about a third option--rehabilitation!?Www@QuestionHome@Com