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Position:Home>History> How did the concept of “limited liability” encourage English colonization?

Question: How did the concept of “limited liability” encourage English colonization!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lot of the financing for colonization of Virginia was raised by company with limited liability!. Investors generally like the idea of limited liability since they only want to risk the capital they put into the company!. He does not need to fear subsequent litigation that might affect his whole net worth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One simple answer would be that in the outfitting of a merchantman or privateer each of the partners had limited liability - good because of the riskiness of the venture!. Drake's circumnavigation of the world in the Golden Hind was a commercial venture and the crown profited handsomely by it (as did Drake)!. Given this riskiness limiting liability was sensible in the 1550's and after!.

For the most part though colonies were not commercial ventures though some may have been intended that way originally!. Raleigh's colony at Roanoake for example!.

I can't consequently see that limited liability as having a huge effect!. Though after such events as the South Sea Company it may well have encouraged future risk taking as the shareholders had capital remaining that could not be sequestrated by their creditors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Put "limited liability" into wikipedia, and the question virtually answers itself!.

It's almost akin, in a more philosophical and less economic sense anyway, like asking how did the concept of "manifest destiny" enable dominantly European and other later North American settlers to wipe out the current native population(s) that was/were there!?

Basically, in my opinion anyway, it all boils down to an "entitlement mentality!."Www@QuestionHome@Com