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Question: World History Help!!!!?
Can you give me three causes and effects of the Great Depression!? If you could I would really appreciate it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.Stock Market Crash-All the money gone!.
2!.People using credit-people couldn't pay back the money!.
3!.People taking money out of the banks-caused banks to close!.

1!. People relied on credit to much
2!.Banks were not required to back up the money they held for their customers
3!.Hoover inefficiency to help US citizens, instead he took the route that people should fix their own situation
1!. FDIC which required banks to back up the money they held to X amount of dollars
2!.Many of the great reforms from FDR like
Social Security
State Work Jobs for the unemployed
3!.Made the US government refocus its spending and help its citizens!. Prior to this the government did not help the people there were no government programs to help US citizens in need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here is a site that has your answer :to causes http://www!.gusmorino!.com/pag3/greatdepre!.!.!.

this one has both: http://ezinearticles!.com/!?id=263082

GOOD LUCK hope you get a good gradeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I copied an answer I gave a while ago about the '20s, some info you need will be in there,

1!. The first all colour film came out in 1922, Toll of the Sea!.

2!. The first commercial radio station in the United States, KDKA, began broadcasting in Pittsburgh in 1922!.

3!. Make-up, which until the 1920s was not typically accepted in American society because of its association with prostitutes, became for the first time extremely popular!.

4!. With the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920, women finally attained the political equality that they have so long been fighting for!.

5!. Homosexuals also received a level of acceptance that was not seen again until the 1960s!. Until the early 1930s, gay clubs were openly operated, commonly known as "pansy clubs"!.

6!. In 1920, the manufacture, sale, import and export of alcohol was prohibited by the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in an attempt to alleviate various social problems; this came to be known as "Prohibition"!.

7!. The Roaring Twenties was a period of literary creativity, and works of several notable authors appeared during the period!. D!. H!. Lawrence's novel Lady Chatterley's Lover was a scandal at the time because of its explicit descriptions of sex!.

8!. Charles Lindbergh gained sudden great international fame as the first pilot to fly solo and non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean, flying from Roosevelt Airfield (Nassau County, Long Island), New York to Paris on May 20-May 21, 1927!.

9!. The Roaring Twenties is seen as the breakout decade for sports in America!. Citizens from all parts of the country flocked to see the top athletes of the day compete in arenas and stadiums!. Their exploits were loudly and highly praised in the new "gee whiz" style of sports journalism that was emerging; champions of this style of writing included the legendary writers Grantland Rice and Damon Runyon!. The most popular American athlete of the twenties was baseball player Babe Ruth!.

10!.On October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, stock prices on Wall Street collapsed!.

11!. The twenties marked the first time in America that the population in the cities surpassed the population of rural areas!. This was due to rapid urbanization starting in the 1920s!.

12!. John Logie Baird invents the first working mechanical television system (1925)!. In 1928 he invents and demonstrates the first color television!.

13!. Robert Goddard makes the first flight of a liquid-fueled rocket in 1926!.

14!. The term flapper in the 1920s referred to a "new breed" of young women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to the new Jazz music, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior!.

15!. The tomb of Tutankhamun is discovered intact by Howard Carter (1922)!. This begins a second revival of Egyptomania!.
