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Position:Home>History> What made the british leave india in 1947?

Question: What made the british leave india in 1947!?
why did they leave india!?!? is it becouse the united nations forced every country to decolonise other countries!?
why did they leave india!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The primary reason was economics!. Following World War I and II (remember there were only 21 years between the end of WW1 and the start of WW2), the British economy was in shambles and they couldn't afford to fight a series of colonial wars, particularly when you are talking about a nation as large as India!. also following World War I and II, the British people were war weary!. Britain lost a lot of men during the two world wars and many questioned whether the human cost was worth keeping the British Empire!. BTW, a third reason, related to World War II, was the sucess of the Japanese against European powers!. Before World War II, many Asian nationalists believed that the Europeans could not be beaten!. After watching the Japanese army humiliate European armies, Asian nationalists became convinced they could beat the Europeans, including England, and Europeans, including the English, became less confident of their ability to hold their empires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com