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Position:Home>History> What is an epitaph please?

Question: What is an epitaph please!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Word written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone!.
Serving as a reminder of a person time or event!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A typical epitaph appears on a person's grave stone!. Some, such as the late Spike Milligan had the words "I told you I was ill" put on his grave stone!. Others might have such as, "Here lies the mortal remains of John Doe who lost everything including his shirt on a horse which fell at the first jump!. !. !. !."

Famous Epitaphs Visit this site to find Famous Epitaphs on tomb stones!. Famous Epitaphs on gravestones and tombstones!. The last words on Famous Epitaphs!.

Famous Last Words and Epitaphs Famous Epitaph on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tomb stone 36!. Famous Epitaph on Stan Laurel tomb stone !.!.!. Famous Epitaph on William Butler Yeats tomb stone !.!.!.

Epitaph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn epitaph (in Greek, ?πιτ?φιο? — literally "on the gravestone") is a short text honoring a deceased person, strictly speaking that inscribed on their !.!.!.

"I was stabbed"
Gaius Julius Caesar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com