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Position:Home>History> Dr Livingstone I presume?

Question: Dr Livingstone I presume!?
Please enlighten me why this is so famous! hugs and kisses in advance xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Henry Morton Stanley - of Wales b1841

Think of it like this!.!.!.!.!.Doctor David Livingston the missionary explorer was the only WHITE man then known to be in what was called Darkest Africa (still largely unexplored)!. So, along comes Stanley and when he meets Livingstone uttered the now famous line, "Doctor Livingstone I presume"!.

Could not possibly be any one else!. Bear in mind also that Stanley was a journalist, so he probably did say what then became the most famous 'chat-up' line in history, as it were!.

Stanley Finds Livingstone, 1871"Doctor Livingstone, I presume!?" Stanley and his expedition approach the village of Ujiji on the shore of Lake Tanganyika!. He describes the scene: !.!.!.

BBC - North East Wales Historical - Henry Morton Stanley !.!.Journalist and explorer most famous for the greeting 'Dr Livingstone I presume!?' Born: 28 JAN 1841; Place of Birth: Denbigh !.!.!.

The Moody Blues - Doctor Livingstone I Presume

While you're at it, please understand that Henry Stanley's journey went through more uncharted and dangerous territory than Livingstone, Burton, or Speke, and it did it faster!. And although he was as much an egotist as Burton and Speke, he did it all to get a newspaper story!.!.!.

And as such, I wouldn't be surprised if the statement was carefully edited!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have a look at this it explains exactly why Henry Stanley said Dr Livingstone I presume!. It's really interesting!.
Hope this helps!.
The explanation is towards the foot of the page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the account by the American newspaperman Stanley's search for the famous English explorer!. It's in your local library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com