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Position:Home>History> What are the "evidences" of some things in human history? How "ho

Question: What are the "evidences" of some things in human history!? How "honest" is human history!?
i just thought about the story with the russian dog laika as a living organism who reached first space alive!. I readed in internet that this was a lie spread by the russians!. declassified documents tell the real story!. the dog died before the rocket reached orbit!. And i asked myseld if the docs would had never open for public we would never knew the trues!. How possible is it, that histroical events are not 100% authentic or just invented/fiction without knowing it faked/not authentic and think it was really like that!. What if the world would never knew the faked story of Hitlers reason to attack poland!? Then a lie would may became offical!. Or if the documents about the Templer would never have been found, we would still think templars were true heretics!. Or the romans described the huns as stupid cruel ugly evil monsters without culture!. Scientiest found out that the romans wrote BS to manipulate people!. What if we dont find out!? How much of history is faked without knowing it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ANY view of history should be viewed with some skepticism!. You have to take into account who wrote it, what axe he had to grind, what respect people in his day and age had for actual history!. Most history in !. !. !. well, in history !. !. !. has been written more for political purposes than to exposit what actually happened!.

I hadn't heard that Laika died before reaching orbit!. I guess it doesn't really matter!. I heard a story once of radio signals coming from the moon in the early 1960s, Russian voices coming from the moon!. The idea was that Kruschev wanted to surprise the world with a manned moon landing, but it went badly so they kept it a secret!. The Russians kept all their launches secret in those days until afterwards, so you never know how many unsuccessful ones they had!. The Americans publicised them--not out of any great honesty but because, unlike Russia in the 60s', NASA's funding depended heavily on public opinion!. But some things, the US has been just as secretive as the Russians ever were!.

To understand history you really need to read several different viewpoints!. The Napoleonic Wars, for instance, or even the American Revolution, there are dozens of books written about them, and not all the authors are trying to prove the same things!. It's very very interesting to read a different viewpoint, two authors who agree on what happened by disagree as to why, and relate the events to different causes and results!.

And we should always be especially skeptical when historical figures are made out to be great heroes!. The most striking revelation I had about history was when I began college and took American History!. American History is completely different in college than it is in high school!. In high school we are taught only the good side, the hero worship, the national mythology!. In college we have to unlearn all of that and learn why we -really- wanted independence, how well our democracy -really- has worked all these years, etc!. REAL history is based on human nature, and we can observe human nature today; it's the same as it's always been!. Even the writers of the Old Testament understood human nature! 8^)Www@QuestionHome@Com

History is always a product of the biases and prejudices of the historian!. There is no such thing as "true" history!. Even photographers and film makers selectively frame and edit their images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com