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Position:Home>History> Who was the pharaoh when the ancient Egyptian empire collapsed?

Question: Who was the pharaoh when the ancient Egyptian empire collapsed!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It didn't collapse!. It was conquered by Rome thanks to Cleopatra!.

Before that it was conquered by Alexander the Great but his general decided to keep the Pharaonic tradition!.

Cleopatra wanted to conquer Rome herself!. She had an affair with Julius Ceasar who had just become the Emperor!. When he died she wanted her son to rule both countries but Ceasar had an elder adoptive son!.

Upon Ceasar's assassination Rome was divided between his adoptive son and his favorite general, Marc Antony, whom he treated like a son!.

Shakespeare sums the rest of the story up!.

edit: No Cleopatra killed her brother!. It was her son Little Ceasar who was murdered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you say ancient Egypt, do you mean the end of the Old Kingdom, or the New Kingdom!?

The last ruler of Egypt was Cleopatra VII in the year 31!. She was married to her younger brother, Ptolemy, but he drowned in the Nile wearing a suit of gold armor during the siege, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Egypt did actually collapse several times throughout its long history Sometimes it was from external military forces, other times from internal religious divisions!.

Julius Caesar was not an emperor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com