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Position:Home>History> Do you think the Kennedy killing was a conspiracy ?

Question: Do you think the Kennedy killing was a conspiracy !?
If you do, who do you think was involved !? (Cubans , Mafia , CIA, Johnson !?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have not researched the RFK assasination, but nothing appears to point to a conspiracy!.

I have researched the JFK assasination, taking two courses on the subject including one in graduate school!. All of the evidence points to Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assasin!. Modern technology have proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt!.

As for the suspects:
1!. Fidel Castro had a reason to dislike both Kennedys, but he was not insane enough to try to kill them!. Even though both John and Robert Kennedy approved of Operation Mongoose, the CIA plan to assasinate Castro, the Cuban leader knew that if it were traced back to his country the United States would retaliate and the Soviet Union might not support him!.
2!. Despite the theories, the Mafia did not have a pool of trained assasins; that is an invention of Hollywood!. Besides, with JFKs philandering, they would have enough leverage on the president and would not need to kill him!. In addition, a public assasination would bring too much scrunity on the Mafia, making an assasination counter productive!.
3!. The CIA!? Why!? The Vietnam scenario does not hold water!. There is no evidence that President Kennedy was planning to withdraw from South Vietnam; at the same time we withdrew some American military advisors from Southeast Asia, he sent in many more!.
4!. LBJ!? Again, why!? Of course the vice-president was not on good terms with the president or his brother!. But you do not arrange the killing of a high ranking political leader out of dislike; if so, my ex-girlfriend would have killed me years ago!. Johnson has been tied with more than a few graves in the Texas desert, but this theory is over the top!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a LONE gunman, no one else involved, and I refer to John not Bobby!. The facts now show EVEN with the famous film that only ONE gunman fired, Lee Oswald, from the book suppository!. One idiot intent on being in the history books, he made it!.

No 6 mafia guys on the grassy knoll, Castro wanted to but wasn't organized yet, the CIA would not be involved in killing their own commander-n-chief, Johnson didn't really want the office, and George W!. Bush was too friggin YOUNG!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither one was!. Simple Murder by two idiots with visions of grandure!.

Most non shooter agree that the shot came from the front on JFK!. However every person that has hunting experience and shooting knowledge (with the exception of those with an agenda) recognize the forward movement at impact, the particles of scalp and brain blowing out the front and the backward movement of the head caused by the effect of hydrostatic shock!. Classic motion caused by high pressure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As with most big "events" the evidence is right before people's eyes!. On the Zabruder film Kennedy's head is clearly shot from the front!. The back of his head is blown off and Jackie retrieves it from the back of the limo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no evidence that a conspiracy was involved in either the JFK or the RFK assassination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com