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Position:Home>History> What are some everyday foods the romans ate?

Question: What are some everyday foods the romans ate!?
I already know the foods most romans had at feasts but I need to know what kinds of food they had every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Grain was the basis of the Roman diet!. For the very poor in the large cities the bulk of the diet was made up of a porridge (puls) made of wheat ground upp and mingled with water!. Bread was baked in ovens and would be eaten by people of all classes!.

Meat was eaten, though the poorer people would probably not have been able to have meat every day, and very poorest might not have it at all!. Peasant families would often keep a pig, which would be fattened up during the summer, and then killed in autumn, the meat could be salted or made into sausages and would last them through the winter!. Sausages were a popular food with the poor and also with the rich!. Lamb and beef were also eaten, meat could be baked or stewed in a casserole!.

Fish was eaten fresh or smoked, fresh fish were usually cooked whole and served with a covering sauce!. Shell-fish were popular, sea-urchins were often used as a first course at a dinner - a light starter to a meal!.

Popular vegetables included cabbages, leeks, onions, fennel, radishes and mushrooms!. Herbs like thyme and sage were used for flavouring, and pepper was imported from the east!. These would be used to flavour the very strong sauces which the Romans liked with their food!.

both fresh and dried fruits were enjoyed by the Romans!. Pears, apples, mulberries and cherries grew wild!. There were plums and blackberries and other wild berries which grew in profusion!. Walnuts, beechnuts and chestnuts were widely grown Olives were an important part of the Roman diet, they were used for pickling, and in many savoury dishes!. Olive oil was also used as fuel for oil lamps !.

Honey was very popular and widely used in cooking!. Puddings had honey sauces, and honey was poured over hot pancakes!. bisucits were often made of sesame seed and honey!. Cheese and honey often seemed to go together, either by squeezing honey over the cheese or squeezing the cheese through a sieve and mixing the curd with honey or eating cheese-cakes with it!. Honeycomb was also eaten in its natural form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Romans of what social class!?

Common people ate a lot of bread; incidentally, the protein content of Roman bread was more than twice that of modern breads, so you could actually subsist on it!. The problem with that bread was that the grains were millled using stone, so bread contained fine particles of millstones, which over the years wreaked havoc on people's teeth!. Fruit and vegetables were common, too!. A variation on the bread theme was "puls", a hot wheat porridge!.

As to people of higher classes, those ate meat (primarily pork, chicken, and rabbit) or fish every day!.

No discussion of food in ancient Rome can be complete without mentioning "garum"!. Garum was a sauce made from fatty fish (usually, sardines), spices and salt!. Spices, fish, and salt were put into a container in layers, the container was left in the sun for a week, and then contents stirred daily for another three weeks!. By the end of preparation, everything mixed together into a liquid!. Romans put garum on pretty much everything!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was always a lot of meat and a lot of fresh veggies!. Roasted lamb and pig were very common!. There wasn't any pasta during the Roman Empire (not until the days of Marco Polo's return from China), but there were rice, garbanzo beans, fava beans and potatoes!. Olives were extremely common and wine was served with almost every meal!. There were also a lot of fresh fruits in season, like grapes and oranges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bread (those hard rolls with the black seeds on them) and grapes!Www@QuestionHome@Com