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Position:Home>History> How did Byzantine language shape world hisotry?

Question: How did Byzantine language shape world hisotry!?
I'm confused about this!. My teacher said I should definitely include how it spread to the russians and impacted the slavs, but i can't find any thing about that!.
This is what I have so far:

Language was a very important topic children learned about in school, and was overall a very important part of the Byzantine society!. The original language of the Empire was Latin and this continued to be its official language until the 7th century AD when it was changed to Greek by Heraclius!. Latin was no longer used for education for some time!. However, common Latin was still used as a minority in the Empire, and has greatly contributed to the languages spoken today!. Apart from the Imperial court, though, the primary language used in the eastern Roman provinces was Greek!. Greek had become the common language in the Christian Church, the language of scholarship and the arts, and, to a large degree, the language used for trade between provinces and with other nations!. Justinian's code wasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The people known as "Rus" (who would later be known as Russians) were under a king named Vladimir whose capital was Kiev!. This was 980 to 1015 AD!. Vladimir was influence by the Byzantines and decided that all of his people would adopt the Eastern Orthodox religion of the Byzantines which was based on the Greek language!. That's how the Greek Byzantines impacted the Slavs - or this is one good example of it!. With the religion came terms in the Greek language and of course the Greek version of the bible - though it must have been translated at some subsequent point!.
(As you requested, I won't to go into a long answer!.)

Look up King Vladimir or the history of Kiev and the Rus'
Good question and good topic for 9th grade - impressive!.
It would be a good topic for college!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe there was a "byzantine language" The Byzantine empire was the Eastern half of Rome!. I believe latin endured for some time!. Greek was a language in use in that part of the world until the Arabs, Turks and others gain access to the land!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Glagolitic alphabet, the oldest Cyrillic one, was created by Saints Cyril and Methodius partially on the medieval Greek alphabet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com