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Position:Home>History> How much is an authentic spear head made by native americans worth. found one in

Question: How much is an authentic spear head made by native americans worth!. found one in a creek!.!?
the tip was broke off but it is in good shape!. about four and a half inches long and bout inch and quarter wide!. want a ball park figure as far as collector price!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure of a price on an artifact!. The best thing I can think of to do in this case is to contact a University nearby!. Depending on the point you've found, the location could end up being an indicator of a site nobody was aware of, and knowing the location you found it in could be important!.

An archaeologist could assess the find, and the thinking about this kind of collecting has changed, largely due to Indigenous groups taking Universities to court, but people are more aware of the sensitivity of the issue!.

Who knows, you could end up having a site named for you!. There's not much money in it, but there's always the chance you could have hundreds of future undergraduates asking "who's he!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bet the native Americans of the region would love to have your finding!. A donation would be appropriate and if not then consider that taking things from federally protected native lands is a crime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com