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Question: U!. S!. History Cuban missle crisis and wilsons fourteen points!?
what were the effects of these two actions and how did each promote the nations best interestWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a disaster for U!.S!. foreign policy although it is now hailed as a great achievement of the Kennedy Administration!. It was precipitated by the in-person meeting of JFK and Nikita Khruschev at which the Soviet judged the American to be immature, inexperienced and easily bullied!. ( The parallel to Obama's wish to meet personally with foreign leaders without preconditions or preparation is a frightening one!. ) Kennedy had already "booted" the matter of the Bay of Pigs but 1) approving it to go ahead without adequate consideration and 2) refusing to follow it up with sufficient support to avoid the embarrassing debacle it turned out to be!.

Khruschev quickly followed his judgement of JFK by instigating the Berlin Wall ( the "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech was rhetoric and supported by !.!.!. nothing!. )!. and implanting nuclear missile installations in Cuba!. Although Kennedy's naval quarantine resulted in removal of the missile bases, Kennedy secretly ( i!.e!. Khruschev agreed not to reveal the details of the JFK concessions ) agreed to 1) remove Jupiter missiles from Europe and 2) to promise on behalf of the U!.S!. to insulate Castro's Cuba from future invasion or subversion!.

Albeit falsely, the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis enhanced Kennedy's reputation!. It did, however, destroy Khruschev's credibility with his Kremlin colleagues, who thought he had been reckless in risking nuclear war to gain an advantage!. The Berlin Wall persisted for many years and the Cuban guarantee persists to this day, both negative for U!.S!. interests!.

Wilson's 14 Points informed the world of the moral posture of the U!.S!. ( only the U!.S!. did not profit territorially from the break-up of the Ottoman Empire -- as did the French and British --) and yet American isolationism since Wilson failed to get the U!.S!. to join the League of Nations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com