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Question: Catherine Parr!?
Was she still expected to give Henry VIII an heir,or did he know that he was too old!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think he expected any more children from her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Henry was aware he was too old!. Although their marriage had its physical side as well!. Though occasionally impotent, the king did consummate their marriage and Katharine was fond of ordering black satin nightdresses to please the King!. She would often sit with the king's sore leg in her lap, or in his lap herself!. The king enjoyed her dancing and they both loved music; they also exchanged rich gifts!.

Catherine probably realized she wouldn't bear the King any children, but she did make an effort to repair the broken relationships Henry had with his two daughters Mary and Elizabeth!. She also tried to bring what could be considered a normal family environement into the Royal Household!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he would probably have been hopeful that he could still have children, but probably he would not at that stage have thought about rejecting Katherine because she did not produce children, maybe he would have realized, even though he would probably not have admitted it, that it was unlikely that he was going to have any more!. I doubt he would have gone as far as to get rid of her, even if he had lived longer than he did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She was expected to provide and he wasn't too old!.

Catherine Parr




Henry VIII like all kings expected their wives to produce a heir, and surely would not take blame for their own shortcomings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com