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Question: Ancient China!?
ok could i say that ancient chinas social structure is similar to the ancient indians caste system!? could i say it is a caste system!?!? the textbook calls its a social structure but its not descriptive enough!. the ranks go: emporer, civil servants, peasants, merchants, soldiers+regular sercants
thx! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, I don't think it is the same as the Indian caste system!. In the Hindu system, the caste you are born into is the one you remain in for life, you cannot change castes!. I don't know how much social mobility there was in ancient China, but I don't think they had an arrangement that was the same as the Indian caste system!.

In both societies, the peasants would be the lowest class, because that is how it is in most societies!. In India, the people below the peasant caste were known as Untouchables, and were outside the caste system!. Too lowly to be considered of any caste!. While there would similarly be people who fulfilled the very lowest functions in chinese society, they would probably not have been classified in quite the same way!. I think the Hindu caste system is something unique, there's no other system quite like it in the world!.

All societies have social structures that are hierarchical, but I don't know of any other system in the world where class is tied up with religion the way it is in the Hindu faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I studied the same thing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com