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Position:Home>History> Early River Valley Civilizations... Indus Valley and Yellow River Valley.?

Question: Early River Valley Civilizations!.!.!. Indus Valley and Yellow River Valley!.!?
if you can please give me as much info!. about the religion, scientific advancements, and economics of these 2 civilizations or river valleys i would appreciate it! if not you can give me a link to where i can find this information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Indus Valley:


River Valley Civilizations - http://www!.clevelandstatecc!.edu/Courses/!.!.!.

Yelow River Valley - http://www!.wsu!.edu/~dee/ANCCHINA/YELLOW!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com