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Position:Home>History> Is This End of Times?

Question: Is This End of Times!?
Wars, famine, rising prices, killings, drugs, violence more epic than before teachers sleeping with their students (which never happened 20-60 years ago!?!?!?

What is going on!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know!. The way things are in the world aren't much different than what it was in the old newsreels when you see a picture of a man wearing a sandwich board that says the end of the world is at hand, and that was in the Depression!.

That wasn't exactly a picnic!.

I think about this subject every once in awhile, and various authors will publish on it!. The Late Great Planet Earth was about this subject, and that book is over 30 years old!. The Left Behind series is along the same lines, and those movies scared the Devil out of me, and I chose that word on purpose!.

I was about 13 or 14 when I saw a movie with Nancy Davis (before she was Nancy Davis Reagan) called "the Next Voice You Hear" about when God broke in on radio broadcasts all over the world!. He didn't say anything scary, but I kept wondering if I was ready for the end times!. I mean 13!? I hadn't really had much time to do much sinning!.

The only thing I can think of to do when I get worried about this kind of thing is to say a prayer and tell Him I hope I am ready, but after all, He's the only one who knows when it will happen and what will happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, this is not the end of times!. If anything, life is much better now than in the past!. Wars and famines were much more deadly during the 1914's (or even 200 yrs ago) than now due to medical technology!. Actually, most everything was more deadly in the past than now, hence why overpopulation is now a problem!. Violence was a way of life in the past!. I think we are less violent as a whole today!. We have learned more restraint with violence due to the invention of nuclear technology!. also, how do you know teachers didn't sleep with their students!? The world just seems worse now because the news reports on many bad things that would just get covered up or not reported on in the past, like priests sleeping with boys or teen pregnancy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

predicting the apacolypse has been going on since Nero was throwing Christians to the lions, every turn of the Century, every end of the millenia, the 7th Day Adventists had their day in 1912, the Jim Jones cult and wacko in Waco both had their days, every passing of Haley's comet, eclipse of the sun and other end-of earth prophesies that i'm sure i missed!. One thing you can be sure of, the arsenals of the US and Russia can obliterate a million Hiroshimas!.!.!.!.!.anyway, sleep tight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one can answer that, though they would try!. The things that you mentioned have gone on since the beginning of time, because people are imperfect and we do dumb, hateful, thoughtless things!. What you can do, is not give up or give in; sort of like walking a tightrope, just keep looking at the goal and don't look down, pretty soon you'll be on the other side of the obstacle and wonder why you even worried!. This is where being a family of mankind comes in, we all lock arms when we cross these huge streets!. Hang in there and keep making a positive difference, don't count on others to take from or give to your joy, make it happen for yourself and then be surprised by all the good things and people that are out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything about "end of times" belongs in the religion section!. And do you really think we didn't have wars, famines, violence and teachers sleeping with students 20-60 years ago!?!? This has been going on for centuries!.
(Yes, even the teachers sleeping with students stuff--check out Heloise and Abelard, who lived in the 11th century!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

in our religion prophet mohammed predicted these (signs) 1000 years ago

there is many signs he predicted it and it did happen , and he said if you see these signs then you must know that doomsday is near !.

some example of the sings :
killings & violence & wars: and this is most of known signs he predicted it !.

world powers will focus more on the middle east everyone wants his piece from the cake!. and this what is exactly is happening !.

and there is much much moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

The world will end Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 1:30 p!.m!. CST!. It will begin when an asteroid smashes into Greenland!. It will cause a crack that will spread down the Mid Atlantic gorge!. This will cause lava to vent out from the mantle!. This crack will continue spreading until all the force from the mantle thrust the Earth crust into space!. The last broadcast before the end will be Al Gore saying "I told you so!." This is how the Earth will end!. However, a new crust will form over the next 10 million years, and a new intelligent species of sentient ardvarks will evolve on this new earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the world is seriously f*cked up!.
people in government dont know wth they are doing!.
not to mention all the pollution!.!.!. america is one of the top contributers !.
the rising prices are of course from the increase in gas prices!.!.which is a result from the war!.
it's not the end yet, but if we keep going like this, it will very well happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sadly i must belive so Jesus is to come to judge the living and the dead when the world is at its worst and i am praying that it is not going to get ne worse, however if it is at its worse and the world must end, i pray my soul lives on in Heaven "every Saint has a past every sinner has a future"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Things in the world are bad now, but I don't think it's the end of the world!. Remember, things could always be much, much worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

only god knows!.!.!.but eveyone says the world is going to end in December in 2012 i think its the 21st!. The mayan or aztec calender dates for thousands of years but ends on that day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All have been happening for centuries!. It's just that communications has brought it out faster with more detail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are more well accomplished and people are using that to their advantage!.!.!.
in my opinion!.!.!.!. i guess people are just getting smarter but dumber!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

students always slept with teachers, I have a feeling you might be very disgusted to read about Ancient Greek cultureWww@QuestionHome@Com

The bible speaks of the last days 2 timothy 3:1-6!. Check it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You think all thought never happened 20-60 years ago!?
You have a strange view of world history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so it says in the Bible that it would be like this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's probably not!. I hope so though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

De evolution !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the world will end from pollution and the ozone layer!!!!!!:

no telling with the world we live inWww@QuestionHome@Com