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Position:Home>History> Why was germany defeated in WW2?

Question: Why was germany defeated in WW2!?
What were the key features of the defeat of germany!?
Why was germany defeated by th USA and UK!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Germany was defeated by Russia (the Soviet Union!.)

See the source below: Soviet casualties numbered over ten million military deaths and ten million civilian deaths; compare this to just a few thousand civilians and half a million military deaths of the US!. They were already losing before the Allies invaded continental Europe (D Day, June 6th)!.

Reasons why Germany lost: Hitler was a horrible general but insisted on fighting his way!. He decided to attack the Soviet Union, which while he wasn't allied with had a "Non-Aggression Pact" with!.

He did this while he was losing an air war with Britain, partly because of Radar advances of the British!.

He refused to send in reinforcement divisions (most notably a tank division) to defend against the Allied Invasion (US, Canada, UK) on D-Day, believing it was a diversion for an attack somewhere else!. By the time he realized he was wrong, the Allies had already established a beach head and had their feet on the doorstep into Europe!.

He also made some mistakes with the US!. He declared war on the United States just after Pearl Harbor, even though the US was not as concerned with Germany as they were with Japan in those days!. This was largely in an attempt to stop US shipping to Britain (which had continued because the US was neutral) - his submarines (U Boats) would try to sink anyone supplying the British (who, being on an island, needed foreign aid!.) This made the US resent Germany and get very involved there as well!.

Of course, later in the war the US economy was too good!. They could produce a Liberty class cruiser in 24 hours!. The Sherman Tank (used by the Allies) were absolutely useless when compared to the German Panzer tanks; but there were frequently more than 10 times more Shermans in a battle than Panzers (as a percentage of combatants!.)

Overall, Germany made too many enemies in too many different directions!. The Soviet Union on it's own would have likely defeated Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They couldn't beat the world, fight on two/three fronts, failed to create the first atomic bomb, failed in pursueing their jet technology, believed they could beat Russia in a huge "blitzkrieg" before the winter began and failed to keep their armies intact (they wouldn't let the African Army and Stalingrad 6th army retreat!.) The Germans failed to invade England and lost too many airplanes during the Battle of Britain in 1940!.

The German Occupation Policies in the Ukraine created huge numbers of partisans who were able to sabotage many of the German forces!.

Invading Russia wore out the German Army in 1941!. In 1942 they pursued a failed operation to reach the Caucus mountains to get oil!. By 1943 the German Army was fighting for it's life in Russia!. The USA had too much material and was geographically "protected!." The UK almost lost but stirred on by Churchill kept fighting!.

In the end you can say the USA/UK was fighting for good while Germany was fighting to be dictatorship of the world!.
That's the short version!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

zuwxiv: Liberty ships were not cruisers, they were a British design of cargo ship built in the US!. Only one was ever completed in 24 hours, to prove it could be done!. The rest took a few weeks, excepting those that were build to progressively best the production record!.- still a good time!.


Germany lost because Hitler decided to invade Russia!. This essentially sealed his fate, but also his progressive losses in the Western Desert and the Battle of Britain showed serious weaknesses in the German war machine: namely a lack of effective defence against the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean, and noreally effective plan to invade Britain or strategic bombing force- leaving it to Goering was a serious error!.

I have studeied this area extensively: The UK would have eventually beaten Germany with the help of the USSR even if the US had not joined the war months after Operation Barbarossa began!. It would have meant a very different Europe today!.

The US added men and materiel to the war effort, though the number of American troops in Western Europe was not the 50% or more that is often assumed!. It was more like a third, the Pacific war being a greater priority!.

Key features:

1!. Hitler as commander in cheif: he was not qualified to lead a long term war and he rarely took the professional opinions of others on board!.

2!. Loss of the Battle of Britain: never leave an enemy behind you, especially not the British!

3!. No effective strategic planning as a whole: the German forces were geared for tactical and Blitzgreig type operations: logistics were a perennial weak point!.

4!. The invasion of Russia: the true giant of the war!

5!. While the Germans had effective R&D for weapons, there were too many competing projects and no real plans for 'next generation' equipment that was used to it's best potential: For instance, Hitler insisted that the Me262 be used as a bomber!. The V1 was a stop-gap weapon, and the V2 was essentially sabotaged because it used slave labour to produce the rockets, leading to many V2's being ineffective!.

6!. Hitler had no effective leadership structure: he would often appoint two people to the same job and watch them fight it out!. His main people, Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, Hess and so on all loathed one another and really could not work effectively as a tea,, hampering the excellent generals such as Hitler and Kesselring from working effectively in the field!.

Just a few points!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because when they attacked the Solviet Union which was at the time thier ally, the Solviet Union attacked them, so attacking them was; U!.S!., the U!.K!., France, and The Solviet Union!. They were also spread out to far and thus less troops in each area!. The Germans were also low on supplies and the cold was wearing down the German troops in Solviet Union!. Germany had a good chance of winning WW2 if Hitler didnt invade Solviet Union!. And if the Japanese didn't bomb Pearl Harbor the U!.S!. most likely wouldn't have been in the war!.

And to the question, Why was Germany Defeated by the U!.S!. and U!.K!. its because the U!.S!. stepped in while the war was almost over, basically, America stepped to speed up the defeat in Germany!. and the U!.K!. was already in the war, from the start!.

hope this answers your question!.

~- Alex the Geography Guro-~Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Russian person would be very insulted that you left out Soviet Union since they believe (correctly) that they had the biggest contribution the outcome of the war (about 80% of the German troops were engaged on the eastern front!.

As to why Germany lost - basically because their enemies had greater resources, larger population, backed by a strong resolve to resist the invaders!. Soviet Union was a huge country with 3 times the population of Germany!. United States had a powerful economy, capable of producing vast quantities of tanks, airplanes, ships, etc!. Germany simply did not have the resources to fight such a prolonged and costly conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it was as much that they used up all their first line professional soldiers and that many of the other top people did not welcome the "hold at all costs" mentality of those who surrounded Hitler!. Hitler might have done better to leave the battles to the generals!. Hitler surely would have been better advised to use the manpower and brainpower of the Jews and other minorities in his dominion in constructive and beneficial ways!.

Nonetheless, given the ultimate arms and manpower superiority that Russia and the US had, the best he might have hoped for would have been a treaty that gave him big parts of France, all of Poland, parts of Russia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, etc!. Italy!? who knows!. Greece!? free!. Norway, Sweden!.!.!.!.free!. Denmark, part of Germany!. Holland and Belgium, part of German hegemony!.!.!.

Anyway, he got beat because he overextended, refused to negotiate, killed his best brains and generals, and was overmanned and outgunned!.

Anyone who says that the US only came in when the war was already won by the allies is full of it!. Even if the US fully supplied Russia and British Empire with all the weapons they could use, American troops and leadership were an intrinsic part of the Allied victory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two reasons:

1!. They fought the war on 2 fronts: Western Europe and Russia, and

2!. They ran out of natural resources, specifically fuel!. When they lost the Battle of Stalingrad, they lost their bid to seize Russia's oil fields!.

Had they captured the Russian oil fields then they might have fought on long enough to challenge the U!.S!. in developing the world’s first atomic bomb!. Wouldn’t that have been fun!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mainly Because after D-day, 6Th June 1944, (Operation Overlord), they the Germans had to fight on two Flanks, east Against Russia, and west Against mainly, Britain and the U!.S!.A!., also other Ailed Forces, and in the end they were out maned and out gunned, with no real Air cover to protect their retreating Army!. In the end just too many country's, men and machines were against them, to even possible win!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany was defeated by the US and UK because their troops and supplies were constantly destroyed by fighting and air raids, and because besides having the US and UK fighting them in the West the Russians were fighting them in the East so Germany was trapped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why!? hmmm!.!.!.!.they were overcome by superior forces and overwhelming numbers!.!.!.!.er, that's 'how' they were defeated!. 'Why' would take on another connotation!. I would fall back on Churchill's 'finest hour' speach!.!.!. "to prevent the world from descending into the abyss of a new dark age!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Nazis made the mistake of nullifying their non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union and attacking Russia!. They could not sustain a war on two fronts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The biggest mistake was to invade the Soviet Union without first finishing off the British!.Www@QuestionHome@Com