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Position:Home>History> Was there anything in the movie "Schindler's List" that might not

Question: Was there anything in the movie "Schindler's List" that might not have been historically correct!?
Maybe these things were more ideal to use for the directors of the movie, but were not actually from the time of the second world war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You mean other than the fact that it was in black and white, not in color!?
1!.Schindler was never awarded the Golden Nazi Party Badge, and thus couldn't have sold it to save more Jews!. In any event, all but a few of the badges were made of gold-plated brass!. (I read history- A LOT)
2!.The Golden Party Badge (Goldenes Parteiabzeichen) that Schindler is holding is the 'large' military version and not the civilian type that he would have had, if he had been awarded one!. ( Military trivia junkie)
3!.Yerushalayim shel Zahav was not written until twenty years after WWII ( Did I mention I read a lot!?)
4!.The bottle of Hennessy cognac as seen in the movie is the new shape released in 1990s!. The original bottle shape was taller and had different label!.(I'm a bartender!.!.!.sue me)
5!.Just after the little boy is held up to pull down another icicle from the roof of the train, the camera angle switches to the exterior and pulls back to show the train going by with no trace of snow or ice anywhere else on the train except right over that one doorway!. (I always thought that was funny)
6!.The Billie Holiday song heard from a radio is not the wartime recording stated on the end credits!. It's a later version from the 1950s
7!.When Oskar Schindler takes his meal he uses his fork with the right hand and his knife with the left!. Not being left-handed this would be a very unusual thing for a German man to do!.
8!.When one train of the male Jews were taken to "Czechoslovakia" (wrong name for that history period) we can see some electric columns for electric rail tracks!. That could be impossible because till the end of War there was no electric tracks in that area!. Even all locomotives were steam-engine!.
9!.After the little boy takes the saddle out of the car and after Schindler says thank you - he passes on some cigarettes to an SS personnel at the camp and Schindler calls him "Rottenführer", but the rank/insignia of the SS man responds to a different rank called Sturmmann which is one rank lower than the Rottenführer rank!.
10!.Amon uses the terms "scam" and "scamming!." Scam did not become part of the lexicon until the late 1970s (Dictionary of European Slang)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's been a few years since I saw the movie, but I think most of the movie was historically accurate!. There actually was a business man name Schindler who saved a lot of German Jews during the Nazi era but giving them jobs in his factory!. There actually were Nazi run death camps during WWII!. And, a lot of German Jews died in those camps before and during WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your kidding! Do you mean that Spielberg may have taken dramatic license to compile or augment some historical facts!?

My tip to you: for historical accuracy go see "The Sorrow and the Pity" and "Shoah"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

jefe your knowledge of history amazes me!!! I love history and can only aspire to retain as much knowledge as you!

(p!.s!. no i'm not trying to suck up!! lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com