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Question: What is hip hop!?
It’s funny, most of these kids …they don’t even realise that there is a history!.
To most people today hip hop is about bling bling!.
But what was before the bling bling!?

What is hip hop!?

I hate that some people talk negatively about hip hop, because they think hip hop is music, and they think that hip hop is just that one kind of music, that's being played in the radio, that really belongs in strip clubs!.!.!.

So, what is hip hop!?
is it simply rap, funk, soul and R&B all in one!?
or is it deeper, a form of multicultural communication, a lifestyle, a language, a fashion, finding a new voice, or simply artistic noise!?
It’s simple, yet complex

What is hip hop!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a way of expressing feelings!.
Sorta like rap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hip hop music is a genre of music typically consisting of a rhythmic style of speaking called rap over backing beats performed on a turntable by a DJ!. Hip hop music is part of hip hop culture, which began in New York City in the 1970s, predominantly among African Americans and Latinos!. Culture includes: breakdancing, graffiti, rapping, dj-ing!.

Before hip hop created in the 1970's, there was the 60's culture and music!. Rock and roll was very popular, thats what youths listened to before hip hop!.

Many youths today start their own hip hop culture instead of following the "rules"!. Hip hop has room for many different kinds of diversity and its a lifestyle!. I don't believe that its a fad, hip hop has integrated into society so many times that it connects people together!. I don't believe that its fad, its not going away slowly for awhile!. It's finding what you know and expressing themselves!. Hip hop is one way of cultural identity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hip Hop was developed by African American communities in New York City during the 70's!. DJ's as they were called mixed Funk, R&B, and Disco to create a distinct sound!. Hip Hop or Rap is also called the poetry of the streets which is fitting because most songs talk about life in inner-city neighborhoods!. By the 80's Hip Hop gained new popularity with artists like Grandmaster Flash, N!.W!.A, the Fresh Prince!.
By the 90's Hip Hop albums sold millions and some like 2Pac's "All Eyes On Me" went Platinum!. Many people associate rap with bad intentions is the sometimes violent lyrics used in songs!. I personally think that even if the lyrics are dirty the artists have a right to express themselves and speak on issues!. You wouldn't criticize John Lennon so why would you criticize Kanye West!?
P!.S!. : There are two types of rap!. Hip Hop which is more commercialized and "gangsta rap" which is dirtier and more expressive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bunch o crap!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com