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Position:Home>History> HELP (10 points)?

Question: HELP (10 points)!?
Many militant Islamists harbor great anger against Americans and other Westerners!. Which of the following did not contribute to their resentment!?

The United States demonstrated strong support for Israel!.

Some of their leaders adopted Western styles and culture!.

Westerners profited from Middle Eastern natural resources!.

Westerners placed unfair tariffs on their exports!.
Which of the following goals do Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Taliban share!?

to become the largest Islamic group in the world

to establish governments based on strict Islamic law

to gain control of the Lebanese government

to sponsor suicide bombers in Palestine
Which of the following events did not occur during Saddam Hussein’s regime!?

He established a secular government in Iraq!.

He initiated many reforms and promoted industry!.

He tortured and murdered thousands of Iraqis!.

He worked to gain strong support from the KurdsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
b -correct ans to question 1
b -correct ans to question 2
definitely d for question 3Www@QuestionHome@Com