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Position:Home>History> HELLLPPP (10 points)?

Question: HELLLPPP (10 points)!?
Which of the following statements was not a cause or result of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia!?

The right to free speech was guaranteed after the invasion!.

The reforms of the Prague Spring occurred in 1968!.

Dubcek was expelled from the KSC and demoted!.

The manifesto titled “The Two Thousands Words” was published!.
Which of the following is not true of the Amazon rain forest!?

It is considerably smaller today than it was a century ago because of cutting and burning!.

It is considerably larger today than it was a century ago because of self-reseeding!.

More that 500 species of trees grow in a single two-and-a-half-acre plot!.

Scientists believe species there could hold the key to medical breakthroughs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A Free speech was suppressed

B The rainforest - she is getting smaller as we eat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a is the answer to your first question
b is the answer to your second question

My 10 points pleeeease!Www@QuestionHome@Com