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Position:Home>History> Was Tony Blair correct to apologise fr our empire?

Question: Was Tony Blair correct to apologise fr our empire!?
It's for my history project on the British Empire and i would like your opionions :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tony Blair should have never apologised, the History of the World was a lot better for the British Empire, take a comparrison of all the other Empires and look how they treated the natives!. The time the Empire was forged, people looked towards the have empire states for guidance!. Trade was a big issue, not just conquest for conquest sake, exploration was another which brought us more understanding of the world, nature and humanity, yes some of our presecessors where down right nasty to the natives, but look at what was happening in Britain, most people where on the borderline to starvation and lived in slums!.
also look at the Commonwealth of Nations (what the Empire became) how many of those countries still co operate together, the Queen is still a figurehead Monarch in many countries around the globe!.
Those that say the British Empire was built on slavery are blind and ignorant of the past, yes a couple of the cities became more and more prosperous due to slave trading in the indies, but we did not create that problem, slavery in one form or another has existed ever since mankind came about and still goes on now!. The British Isles was predated by Pirates who would Kidnap locals for slaves right up into the 18th Century (especially in Cornwall / Devon and Wales), so who are we to apologise for those who also slaved, indeed if the African Tribes did not bring the slaves in from there own wars and justice, there would have hardly been any to transport as the British, Dutch and Portuguese traders did not venture too far inland!.
Conquest of foreign lands also played a large part in the 19th Century with the occupation of French and Spanish territory by British forces during the Napoleonic wars, indeed look at the 'Louisana Purchase' the US could not have been the huge land mass it was unless Napoleon had been so desperate for cash and a sympathetic ally that he sold the majority of the mid North American plain to the US so opening up the way for the US to get to the Pacific and border onto the Spanish American colony for the Mexican War, have they apologised for that!?!?

Hope this helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No he was very wrong!.

The Empire was a thing of its time!.

Imperialism was normal in the 18th and 19th and early 20th Centuries(as well as for the previous 4500 years before that!)!. Not just in Britain but quite literally worldwide!.

You cannot judge distant history by todays standards, you have too look at it in the context of the social, political, moral and economic values of its time!.!.!.the same with studying the Hittite, Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Empires, not to mention the more modern Ottoman(Turkish), Arab, Mongol, Austro-Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese Empires!.

Should every country that has ever had an empire in the 5300 years of recorded history have to apologise!? Its nonsense!.

also, empires were not necessarily a bad thing; the Empire introduced Modern Industry,Advanced Agriculture,Developed Natural Resources, Schools, Hospitals, Organised Govornment, Roads, Railways, Modern Law and Judiciary, Civil Service etc into many colonies!.

Places like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the states of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Africa, Malta and Malaysia simply would not exist as we know them today without the British Empire!.!.!.!.and the Civil, Political, Legal, Economic, Industrial Culture that they have today, and use to their advantage would not exist either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tony Blair personally apologising does not make any difference I guess!. Besides building an empire is not really an evil thing - we see it all the time in the world of business!. Monopolies get built, companies acquire companies, companies kill companies!.!. That was the same situation in the industrial era - countries were almost driven by their industries!. It is no longer the case, and if any empire building happened in this era, it will only be considered violation of human rights!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means nothing!. He can't apologise for the actions of someone else, ina nother time period!. It was effectivly another world!. For him to apologise showed that he was under presssure from someone, if he is going to apologise for anything it should be for selling England down the river on his way out of parliament with the EU treaty and causing irreprable damage to the british society, econaomy and general system!Www@QuestionHome@Com

An empty gesture: very Tony Blair!. Makes no difference to apologize for something that was done centuries ago!. To recognise, however, that their are still today injustices and inequalities that stem from the creation, and the dismantling, of that empire, might lead to some better understanding of why some people remain worse off than some others, generation after generation!.
Tony Blair should apologise for his premiership, though!. He had a huge majority, enormous support in the country as a whole, and he threw it all away, pursuing his 'place in history'!. Sadly, his place in History will be as the lapdog of possibly he stupidest American President ever!.
Nice one, Tony!. Very well done!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's ridiculous and meaningless appeasement to apologise for something Historic over which today's generations had no control!. The irony is he wouldn't think of apologising to the indigenous population for the ruination of our country, for which he is responsible, the Traitor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as an american who has studied british history, i can honestly say this: it was a huge mistake!. he is and was so far from being correct that it isn't even funny!. apologize for what!? having an empire that stretched from one end of the earth to the other!? the british did what they had to do in order to keep the empire!. hard times call for hard measures!. its about as insane as we americans apologizing for slavery!. it was the law then but not now!. i never owned slaves so why should i apologize for anything!?!? why should the britains of today apologize for something that happened 200 years ago!?!? its insane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a load of crap, it made a mockery of our history and our nation today!.

Yes as a nation we have had periods we are less than proud about, but it is HISTORY, as in IN THE PAST!!!! We should be proud of our achievements and learn from our mistakes, but to apologise for the Empire was pathetic!. Why doesn't Rome do the same!? Or Greece!? Or Egypt!? Or the Middle East!? How about China!? All have had violent and bloody histories in their own empires!.

Politically Correct bull!.

If he wanted to apologise, why not start with screwing up this country, with fu**ing up my education, our healthcare system, not allowing anyone to improve themselves without slapping them back down, swamping this country with mostly unwanted and unsustainable immigration, dragging us into Europe, introducing the human rights act !.!.!. etc etc!. These are things HE has done in OUR lifetime!. THAT is what he should apologise for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No way, what a load of PC nonsense!. You start on the path of apologies and it never ends!.
Though I personally want an apology from him for ******* up education and making my job as a teacher pure hell!. He needs to apologise to all the kids in school in this country whose futures he has compromised by putting statistics over reality!.
Must stop now, brain heating up!.!.!. hands shaking!.!.!.feeling the need to emigrate!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He should apologise for the following:

1) Not staying neutral!.

2) Listening to (and agreeing with) one sided Republican views without question!.

3) His continuing presence on the international stage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well he was 'correct' to apologise for it I guess, but!.!.!.!.

a) It had nothing to do with him
b) Everything he says is a lieWww@QuestionHome@Com

no he was totally wrong that's history what next the queen apologises because she's of German ancestryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong as it was the norm in the historical period and you can not use today's morality when talking about the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com