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Position:Home>History> The failure of the Weimar Republic ---> Hitler used as an advantage.?

Question: The failure of the Weimar Republic ---> Hitler used as an advantage!.!?
Consider the impact of the failure of the Weimar Republic and examine the extent to which Hitler utilised this to advantage the Nazi Party!.

This is my essay question!.
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The failure of the Wiemar republic was the failure of the intrinsic ideology of democracy in Germany!. this of course is separate technically from the economic problems caused by reparations paid to the french as well as resentment over letting go of land which was turned into a buffer zone to France!. Hitler saw discontent with the government (caused by economic discontent really) created several factions!. instead of trying to win the most votes he instead concentrated on dividing parties and creating his own coalition!. he also used corruption in the gov to take advantage of a shotty political deal to even get into office Goering agreed to help him become pres if he could become vice pres!.!.!. in reality he had almost no following until he was in power!.

For more info give me best answer and I'll email you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the failure of the weimar republic was the failure of the intrinsic ideology of democracy in germany!. this of course is seperate technically from the economic problems caused by reperations paid to the french as well as resentment over letting go of land which was turned into a buffer zone to france!. hitler saw discontent with the government (caused by economic discontent really) created several factions!. instead of trying to win the most votes he instead concentrated on dividing parties and creating his own coalition!. he also used corruption in the gov to take advantage of a shotty political deal to even get into office (whats his name-- look it up i cant remember) agreed to help him become pres if he could become vice pres!.!.!. in reality he had almost no following until he was in power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler took advantage of the desperation of the middle class!. The Weimar Republic experienced hyperinfaltion, an economic condition in which the price of goods increased so quickly that money became worthless!. A glass of beer was 1 billion marks!. The middle class was desperate and Hitler promised that he could fix their economy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be a lot of stuff about this in your textbook!. If not, there will be lots of information in the school or local library!. After all, Hitler's rise to power is a central theme of 1920s & 30s European history, and lots of historians have had stuff too say about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh wow!. i remember this!. talk about the acceptance of the versailles treaty and the inability to get out of the depression!. oh, mention how their government had many small parties that could combine to gain more power!. cant remember what thats calledWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler used it as an excuse to go on a murderous rampage!. He blamed the jews for all of Germany's troubles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com