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Position:Home>History> How could hitler hate jews when he himself was jewish?

Question: How could hitler hate jews when he himself was jewish!?
Did he ever comment on this or was he just so insane he didn't even acknowlegde this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hitler!. Was not!. Jewish!.

This idea comes up every few years or so, does the pseudoacademic rounds and then dies a quiet death before being resurrected to amble around aimlessly groaning "Brains!.!.!.Brains!.!.!."

Even if by some miracle there was some diluted Jewish blood in there somewhere, by religion he was Christian (as someone above said he was baptized a Catholic) and the Jewish heritage would have been so far back you couldn't have found it if you'd blasted apart his DNA with dynamite!.

Reasons he hated Jews could be:
a) The doctor who treated his dying mother was Jewish
b) The art dealer, Max, who sold his postcards and barely made him enough money to not sleep on park benches was Jewish
c) He was a demented idiot who needed someone to blame for his failure to enter art school!.
d) he resented the Jewish communty for its ability to band together and survive in the wost circumstances whilst Germany, suffering so viciously from the aftermath of the treaty of Versailles, couldn't stop its slide into economic ruin!.
e) He saw an opportunity to blame a section of the community for Germany's problems and the Jews made a great target, as they often do, because their enclosed lifetsyle makes them great targets for ignorance!.
f) He wasn't the only member of the Nazi party!. Maybe it was someone else idea!. He might have been the one who really hated Gypsy's originally, or Homosexuals, or Communists (Hitler was once arrested for participating in a communist rally, did you know that!?) or people with mental illness!. He might have just thought, "hey! This hating Jewish thing is a really good idea of Hermann's, I thinking I'll hate Jews too!"

Read Mein Kampf!. Then you'll realize that no, he wasn't insane he just had a very twisted idea of logic and yes, that made him a lot scarier than if he had of been crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This idea that Hitler was Jewish or part Jewish is dubious at best!. No credible evidence that he was Jewish has ever been presented!. He hated Jews mainly because he needed a scapegoat and a way to power!. Jews had been marginalized in most European societies for centuries and it was an easy sell to say that they were one of the main reasons Germany was in the doldrums!. Adolf Hitler was a master orator and a superb organizer!. He wanted power and grabbed it because he understood that the population would support his contention that Jews, gays, the disabled, the industrialists, the Church, the intellectuals were in the way!. He was not Jewish and any suggestion that he was is unsupported!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adolf Hitler was not a Jew!. He was an Austrian from the part of Austria predominantly populated by German speakers!. also there is no reason to think that he was insane!. Could an insane man pull a country out of such horrible inflation and create a fairly large empire!. What he did was disgusting and wrong but not necessarily insane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He wasn't blond haired and blue eyed as he claimed the Master Race would be!. None of his followers questioned him because he was such a great speaker!. He knew how to speak to make people not realize what was being said exactly!. Anyway as was said he wasn't a Jew!. Although if you look through his history it appears his real problems started when he served the Germany Military in WWI and they kept telling the troops they were winning, right up until the surrender!. Seems to be when the hate really got bad!. Maybe we should learn a lesson about lying from him, both ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he wasnt jewish thats just a conspiracy theory he was baptized as a catholic and was raised catholic!.
he even had a part of the nazi party dedicated to making catholicism more nazi-ishWww@QuestionHome@Com

was he really jewish!? i swear he was GERMAN!.!.!.!.or something!.!.!.not all german's were jews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com