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Position:Home>History> Who was worse Stalin or Ivan the terrible?

Question: Who was worse Stalin or Ivan the terrible!?
no answers about how i should not be comparing murderers please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ivan because he came before stalin!. Stalin was just a dictator that robbed someone elses idea's and made them his own!. Ivan came up with the original idea's and stalin copied them!.
Love youuuuu sam x (i'm sitting next to you again in B11)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin was far worse!.
Ivan only was especially nasty to people who had wronged him such as people involved in attempts to assassinate him!. His title "The Terrible" is from the Russian "Grozny" which actually translates better as "The Fearsome" or "The Formidable", the implication being that he was a man who caused terror in other nations rather than being awful or evil as the English world "terrible" also implies!.
Joseph Stalin was amongst the most brutal leaders who ever lived and his regime would have been shocking in the medieval period let alone the 20th century!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm quite sure that Stalin killed much more people than Ivan did!. Ivan would have never been able to kill MILLIONS!.
He also created a famine in Ukraine which resulted in AT LEAST 2-3 million deaths!.!.!.
Too bad the communist crimes haven't been judged equal to nazi crimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin - he could learn from history what kind of beast was Ivan and yet did the same!.!. or even worse!.!. Plus he was hypocrite, tried to play good father, citizen and dictator (ughh, if there is anything like good dictator!.!.) - Ivan didn't try to fool anybody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin I think, he created an ultimate totalitarian regime, killed millions of people and brainwashed the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stalin!. he starved his own people!. he created famineWww@QuestionHome@Com



death for death Stalin far and away beat Ivan on that scoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

uncle jo was probably the worst dictator in history!.!.!. but hey he helped us beat the nazis so we turn a blind eyeWww@QuestionHome@Com