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Position:Home>History> Was Ivan the terrible?

Question: Was Ivan the terrible!?
As in Ivan IV the terrible of russia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that yes he was!. Althought he was born into a world of terror there was no need for him to become the person that he was!.
I know that he did 'nice' things as well, but surely the horrors that inflicted upon inncoent and defensless people whom had done nothing to warrent the torture which he dealt upon them!.
He started as a young child inflicting pain on animals as a way to get rid of his anger!. This then escalated to the extent at which it was during his reign!.
Some people may say that this was what he had to do to become a powerful and great ruler, however i say that he did not need to onflict that much pain upon the victims of his crimes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes he was, but only in comparisson to other rulers of his day!. He was no match for Stalin or Hitler

His name doesn't quite mean terrible in Russian, it is more like fearsome, or threatening

BTW The Chechen city of Grozny also means threatening or fearsome, Ivan's name in Russian is Ivan GroznyWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was cruel not only to his enemies but to his subjects!. If he conquered a town he could kill all inhabitants including children!. Treated his wives badly (not sure about this one)!. And finally he killed his own son (hit him on the head with a stick) because he was allegedly involved in a plot against him!.
Btw he lived 400 years earlier than Hitler and Stalin
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Yes he was terrible and from Russia,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if Marvin Gaye and Cilla Black!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first tsar of russia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
