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Position:Home>History> Report on Pearl Harbor?

Question: Report on Pearl Harbor!?
my report needs infomation on!.!.!.

1!. What happened in the attack of pearl harbor
2!. Where it happened
3!. Who were the victems
4!. Who was the perpetrator (attacker)

and detailed infomation which proves the crime to be socially or historically signifacant

i need like ideas and a few paragraphs, who ever does the whole thing is the best!!! and ill give 10 points!. it only has to be 1 page, around 4 paragraphs!.!.!.



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pearl harbor is on Oahu, Hawaii!.

There were two separate attacks by two different planned air raids--they came from different sides of the Island!. They came about an hour apart!.

They bombed not just Pearl Harbor but the other military bases as well, such as Wheeler (air field) and Schofield (they came through Kolekole pass over the navy installment on the other side of the mountain and over schofield on this side) and they also came from the direction of Kaneohe, the windward side of the island!.

There were victims in the navy, army, and air force--whoever was here at the time!. The biggest losses were sustained at the navy in the harbor itself!. Some of the destroyers that were hit were recovered and repaired but at least 2 (you'll have to look it up for their names I can't remember) are still where they sunk to this day!. The memorial at Pearl Harbor is directly over one of the ships and you can still see oil leaking from the ship to this day!.

You can still see the round part where the huge guns sat upon the ship in the water as well, and when the light is good you can see the ship!.

The attackers were the Japanese!. They attacked on a sunday, when the ships were supposed to be in at port!. Fortunately for us, the ships with some of our fleet of planes was out at sea at the time, so we were not completely immobilized!.

One huge blow was the bombing of the airfields!. The commander at the time thought the planes would be safer from sabatouge by putting them all together in the field, wing to wing!. This made them a wonderful target and they were for the most part completely destroyed!. We were fortunate to have some of the planes out at sea on their way back!.!.!.

If you check your history resources, Japan felt they had to attack us!. It had alot to do with supplies and diesel!.

There were also some attacks by submarines, but you mostly hear about the attacks by air!. Some of these attacks by submarines were succesfully thwarted!.

There was a report of planes by radar but it was assumed it was the returning fleet and wasn't reported!.

The men in the ships that went down were never removed from the ships!. The hulls of the ships were too solid and it was very hard to get into the ships!. By the time they got into one ship, the men were already dead!. They found men who had written their names and personal messages on the walls in that first room they opened!. there were knocking heard on the hulls of the ships for a few days!. They were unable to save the men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to agree with Matthew, this is pathetic!. One page, four paragraphs!? Assuming you are American, this is one of the most significant events in U!.S!. history and nobody will be doing themselves or you a favor by doing your homework for you!. History is cyclic because we don't learn the mistakes of our fathers!. Because we don't learn those mistakes, we repeat them!. I am deeply afraid for the future of my country when its current students are not willing to learn its significant events!.

If you are not an American!.!.!.

Pearl Harbor is a military base near Honolulu that was attacked by the Japanese Navy Dec!. 7, 1941!. It the day that will live in infamy, bringing the U!.S!. into World War II!. Expecting an attack on U!.S!. possessions in Asia, U!.S!. military planners drew the fleet back to Pearl Harbor, which they considered too difficult for the brown-skinned Asians to attack from Japan!. The attack sunk several battleships, although many were refloated due to the shallow waters of Pearl Harbor!. Of note, U!.S!. aircraft carriers were out at sea at the time of the attack!. The two Web sites below should give you all the other information you need for your paper!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow u are pathetic!. having people doing your homework!. plus its about pearl harbor which is like the easiest subject and something every american should know about!. if you are not american, then this is understandable, but if you are then you are pathetic!. ill break it down easy for you: 1!. the japanese navy launched a surprise attack on a U!.S!. naval yard because we stopped trading with them!. 2!. It happened in Hawaii!. 3!. the victims were the u!.s!. sailors and civilians at hawaii!. 4!. the attacker was japan!.

you can do the rest!. wikipedia it and read a little!. it will take 10 minutes at the most!.!.!.!.!. effing lazy ppl these days!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

and don't forget to mention that it is likely the US government expected and even encouraged the attack - which is why a significant amount of the fleet was moved days before the attack!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look it up on wikipedia!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com