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Position:Home>History> Who's Responsible? & Who benefited? I need a realistic answer.?

Question: Who's Responsible!? & Who benefited!? I need a realistic answer!.!?
In one word,who's really responsible for the following crimes:
1- 1!.5 million Iraqi killed!.
2- 7 million Iraqi are refujees scattered all over the world!.
3- 4000 thousands American killed!.
4- Billions of Dollars burned and wasted!.
Many thanks for your sincere and honest answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think there's really any question who is responsible!. Bush and his administration lied and misrepresented, they picked over intelligence reports to twist their meaning, and gave full credit to intelligence they knew was incorrect--like the Niger yellowcake!. Bush came into office wanting to topple Saddam Hussein!. And all through Bush's presidency he has used any crisis that's come up to justify what he wanted to do in the first place!. For instance, when we were heading towards a budget surplus he wanted tax cuts!. When our deficits are the highest in history, he still wants more tax cuts!.

Republicans will point to the Democrats who agreed Saddam had WMD, was dangerous, and should be taken out!. And Democrats in Congress who voted to allow Bush to invade Iraq!. They did this out of cowardice, not out of bravery!. And, though Bush probably would have invaded Iraq anyway (he's said many times he would have), still these cowardly Democrats deserve -some- of the blame!. But our total, utter, abysmal FAILURE in Iraq is on Bush's shoulders alone!.

There was an article today in the BBC News about investigations into war profiteering!. Currently the figure of money unaccounted for in Iraq is 23 Billion Dollars!. Apparently nobody in the US is able to discuss this officially because of a gag order!. Here's the story:


As to who benefited, well I think that's pretty obvious too!. First, president Bush himself who, with a smirk, declared himself a 'war president'!. I don't think anyone, friend or foe of Bush, could deny that he wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting re-elected if not for 9/11 and the war!. Then Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel, Blackwater, the corporations well-connected to the Republican Party who got non-competitive, non-accountable contracts!. We now have more mercenaries in Iraq than American military, men who are basically not limited by the UCMJ or any law whatsoever!. We don't even know how many of them have been killed!. The value of VP Cheney's Halliburton stock has gone up literally thousands of percent!.

And perhaps the worst of it is that the Bush administration's only strategy at this point is to keep the war going, keep insisting we're winning, until the Democrats take it out of his hands!. Then, for decades, Republican mouthpieces in the media will say we were -winning- in Iraq but the Democrats chose instead to -surrender-!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
