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Position:Home>History> SS officers in WW2. What was their background?

Question: SS officers in WW2!. What was their background!?
In the movie Holocaust, Erik Dorf is a lawyer who joins the SS!.
General Kaltenbrunner was a lawyer!. Was being a lawyer a qualification!? What other schooling did others in te SS have!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Heinrich Himmler head honcho of the SS actively sought professionals such as lawyers and doctors and in fact the Nazis drew heavily upon the middle class which in Germany during the era in question meant reasonably well off, educators lawyers managerial types!. In fact one of the hardest things in dealing with SS Officers was that so many of them were lawyers thus they could easily argue any number of scenarios for justifying their activities! By modern American standards an SS Officer candidate had to be at the minimum a high school graduate but better to have a 2 or 4 year university degree!. By the late 1930's Himmler had organized recruitment among the leading German Universities helping to finance worthy candidates for the SS ('pure' Aryan blood) exchanging education for a promise to join the SS!.


Between 1925 and 1929, the SS was considered merely a battalion of the SA and numbered no more than 280 personnel!. On January 6, 1929, Adolf Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as the leader of the SS, and by the end of 1932, the SS had 52,000 members

So really what you should be asking is what was the background of the SA!.!.!.!.!.who were part of the Nazi party !.!.!.!.!.who were originally part of the German Workers party

This was made up of Doctors, lawyers, teachers merchants - mainly the urban workers who wanted changes in Germany and felt that Hitler could bring them!

(p!.s!. did you know that S!.S Uniforms were made by Hugo Boss!!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

SS ( Schutzstaffel meaning protective squadron ) were originally a protective force for Adolf Hitler himself!. They rose to prominence after they ousted the other paramilitary force under the Nazi regime the SA!.
It was under Heinrich Himmler that their power rose and the test to join the SS was that each member had to be seen as an Aryan claiming to be superior in racial power and ability than other members of society!.
Members of the SS originally came from the higher echelons of Germanic society but as there was greater need for members as the war grew longer this high bar to entry was lowered!.
The most infamous SS Unit were the EinsatzGruppen ( Action Groups ) who were responsible for attrocities in Eastern Europe durning that campaign and whose membership was made up of all walks of German life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com