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Position:Home>History> If Hitler didn't commited suicide, what will happen to him?

Question: If Hitler didn't commited suicide, what will happen to him!?
Will Stalin sentence him to death or worse!?!? what will the french, jews, poles do!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Regardless of who captured him, Hitler would not be murdered!. He would have been given a fair public trial before being legally and justly executed!. I think having sentence passed on him would have mentally helped a lot of people recovering from World War II!. There seems to be this perception that Hitler's suicide saved him from justice!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that he knew that life for him, if you can call it that, wouldn't have been a pleasant experience!. This is why his actions for suicide happened!. The thought of continuing on & facing whatever they could do to you in life, was too much for him to bear!. I wonder, would we foolishly kill him or sentence him to life!. Give him the basics needed to survive!. Would be annoying, but worse off, experience wise for him!. Then again, would we be able to torture him, be justified for doing it, and have a consensus for letting such happen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

YARX said it succinctly (and got blasted with a thumbs down) - - - the Allies intended to put Hitler on trial at Nuremberg!. And though Hitler had a raving fantasy about Stalin putting him a cage and putting him on trial in Moscow, even Stalin had to play the game of pandering to terms hammered out at Yalta and agreed to a trial in Nuremberg for all of the leading Nazis!.
As for what the Jews would do despite all of the rhetoric about wealthy Jews and Jewish Conspiracies, the Jews had no say in the matter it was all up to the Allies; Britain France America and Soviet Russia!.
(and as much as the Poles 'hate' Hitler they equally praise him for making Poland 'Jew' free!)!.!.!.


A lot (if not most) of the people behind the science and experiments in NAZI germany were "kidnapped' to the USA to put to "good" use!.

Werner von Braun, a Nazi responsible for bombing and burning thousands of Brittisch people with his V-rockets shot Americans to the moon !

so if Hitler Didn't commit suicide he would probably been kidnapped by the USA to come up with more wars!.!.!.!.




everybody here has some good theory's!.!.!.mine is this!.!.!.did you ever see what the Italian people did to Mussolini when they got hold of him!.!.!.and his wife!.!.!.!.!.not pretty!.!.!.i do not think Hitler would have made it to trial!.!.!. i firmly believe that the first soldiers who got hold of him alive would have taken care of the matter in a very unpleasant way indeed!.!.!.!.i believe this to be true because of what my father in law!.!.!.who was there and took part in the liberation of 2 of the biggest death camps!.!.!. cant spell them so i wont even try!.!.!.lol!.!.!.he said every American soldier was just itching to get there hands on old Adolph!.!.!.his death would have been slow and pain full!.!.!.!.anyway that's my theory thanks !.!.!.god bless all hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

He would end up becoming the greatest rapper representing Deutch Land!. He would be down with the Jews, the gypsies homosexuals and retards too!. He would stop burning people and start burning CD's and drive down the streets in a fancy car!. He would drink Cris with his b i tch Anne Frank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They would have sent him to prison, probably given him the death sentence!. People who like to get revenge would have murdered him!. People who don't want to sink to Hitler's level let the law handle it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably the Nuremburg Trials with the rest of his gang, then if found guilty, executed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He would of been executed at the Nuremburg Trials!. Either that or studied in a lab (vis a vis what makes a human hate others so much!.) And or possibly used to help America invade Russia!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He would of been murked (murdered)!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com