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Position:Home>History> How did the Allies pool their resources to win World War I ??

Question: How did the Allies pool their resources to win World War I !?!?
How did the Allies pool their resources to win World War I !?!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Im not sure if this answers you,

but i was watching a program called "World war 1" last night

and there was a video of people taking church bells and beating em down so they could make bullets and such out of em!.

Europe was in serious trouble by the end of the war economically!. A lot of the resources came from various items!.

An interesting world war 2 fact:

I heard a story one time you migth find hilarious!.

Two soldiers (i think americans) but might have been related) were doing patrols along the coast one day!. Suddendly air raid sirens sounded and the two could see Japanese fighters heading their way!.

They jumped from their jeep and into a near by ditch as bombs dropped around them!.

When the dust cleared, they rose and would later help clean up the area!.

During clean up, a piece of a bomb that nearly killed them was discovered!. On it was writing!. It had a name on it!.

It was thei name of at lesat one of their grandfather's!.

Years would pass before a answer would arrive;!.

Years before the war, the grandfather had owned a jeep and had stenciled his name into the dashboard (was common at the time)!.

Sometime before the war, he was stationed in Japan and sold his jeep!.

As the war began, Japan needed bombs and used any metals they could to make the bombs!. they salvaged the jeep for metal, and it was the jeep of the grandfather that nearly killed them!.

a funny fact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com