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Position:Home>History> Help History Please?

Question: Help History Please!?

What is the actual meaning of this question , no clue about it

also what is justified mean in terms of this question !?

Can someone explain the whole question please !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Appeasement has become a euphemism for weakness and surrender!. Chamberlain is frequently criticized for having met with Hitler and acquiescing to Germany's demands and seizure what was then part of Czechoslovakia!.

So why is the British Prime Minister telling Germany it's ok by us go ahead and take the Sudetenland!?

The reason for the question is to teach the consequences of this action!. What happens next and why!?

"justified!.!.!.!?" -- Was there a good reason for doing this!? Why could this have been a good idea at the time!? How did things turn out!?

A different take on the standard answer was that Chamberlain did NOT sell out from weakness and fear of Hitler!. He did not bargain away for nought!. Chamberlain by negotiating bought time to prepare!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Appeasement means giving in to a demand from another!. The question is asking you if you think the fact that the British Prime Minister allowed (appeased) Hitler to take over the area of the Sudetenland, was the correct decision at that time!.
Check out the site below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sudetenland was the German name used in English the western regions of Czechoslovakia inhabited mostly by ethnic Germans!. Urged on by Hitler, the Sudeten Germans began to clamor for union with Germany!. Hitler bullies his army to invade and take over Sudetenland!. Czechoslovakia gave into Hitler’s in order to avoid war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

basically it was saying did it all get sorted

yes it did get sorted at the munich conference when chamberlin and hitler discussed what to do with czechoslovakia! in the end the treaty banned the german tropps from being there!.


please help meeeeeeeeWww@QuestionHome@Com