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Position:Home>History> During the ''roaring 20s'' in America, did women benefit?

Question: During the ''roaring 20s'' in America, did women benefit!?
I know that agricultural workers, the textile industries and African American suffered during this period but did women also!?

In addition is there any other groups that did not necessarily benefit from the prosperity in the 1920s in America!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whether or not women benefited from the "roaring" twenties pretty much depends on your views about what was good for women!.

Women gained in personal freedom, they engaged in sexual conduct more freely, they drank, smoked, got jobs and moved away from home while still single!. At the same time, they exposed themselves to single parenthood, and the diseases associated with sex, drink and tobacco!.

They had to take responsibility for themselves and their actions - both morally and legally!. The women who moved out of the family house probably thought it was a good thing; I doubt if their parents did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com