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Position:Home>History> Why can Saladin be considered one of the great leader in the world history?

Question: Why can Saladin be considered one of the great leader in the world history!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For one thing you would be hard put to find a better general!. Or a better leader who men would follow to their deaths!. He did indeed recapture the holy land but in addition he was very kind to the loosers!. He spared the lives of many of his enemys in a time when that just wasnt done!. He also united the Arab people, of very different cultures, into a more or less unified people!.
I doubt you could find more than 3 leaders who were his equal in history!. its a pitty he is not studied more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He recaptured Jerusalem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com