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Position:Home>History> My uncle says the mob killed JFK.. could this be true?

Question: My uncle says the mob killed JFK!.!. could this be true!?
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The legend is that the mob, in the person of Sam "Momo" Giacana made sure that all the Teamsters in West Virginia voted for Kennedy during the primaries!. Kennedy's victory there stunned the political world at the time, and analysts were trying to explain it!.

After the election, Bobby Kennedy, the Attorney General and head of the Department of Justice, went after the Mafia despite J!. Edgar Hoover's assurance that there was no such thing! RFK's persecution and prosecution of Organized Crime (Mafia, Cosa Nostra, etc) was seen as a betrayal after getting Jack elected, so Giacana and his cronies "whacked" the President!.

It's just a theory, but Kennedy's primary victory was, at least in part, due to the Teamsters, and they were notoriously controlled by the Mafia, so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

JFK is/was my favorite president, and I've read many books on him and watched many movies!. From all of my research, the mob acted with the C!.I!.A!. Jack and Bobby (JFK's brother, attorney general) had a plan for a coup in Cuba!. Only a select few people knew about it!. The C!.I!.A!. decided to get the mob involved!. As you may or may not know, Bobby had an extensive campaign to eliminate the mob!. Once the C!.I!.A!. got them involved, they used the coup against JFK and killed him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not sure how the mob could be directly related to JFK's murder!. JFK was killed by a guy named lee harvey oswalt who was in turn killed by someone else, so we don't know what his exact motives were!. most people suggest his socialist ties led to his murder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was a secret panel held in the early 1980's which concluded that the Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy!. The findings are classified!. They originally scheduled to release the results this year!. I don't think we'll be seeing that report!. TDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anything 'could' be true!. The trick is to find hard evidence supporting it or disproving it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More likely it was the CIA!. After the Bay of Pigs debacle, Kennedy vowed to "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is some compelling evidence but right now, no one can be sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is possible!. Someone some where knows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes in conjunction with the secret service, for the international zionist money cartel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com