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Position:Home>History> Who finds abortion to be inhumane, repulsive murder?

Question: Who finds abortion to be inhumane, repulsive murder!?
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I do!. Abortion is Murder!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot depends upon the abortion!. Were you aware that true so called right to lifers consider contraception in any form to be murder!? Including oral & ^nal sex!!!! Every Sperm is precious in the eyes of the so called right to lifers (the same people who want toi rain nuclear death upon Iran) and thus contraception is a big no no!.
Personally I would rather leave the issue to a woman and her doctor rather than ranting and raving against clinics handing out pills that 'abort' pregnancy by halting the reproductive cycle!.


(History question!?!?!?)

Please be careful here!. Thinking that abortion is wrong and inhumane, and arguing forcefully --with *passion* for strong restrictions is a reasonable position!. But the use of the word "murder" is inflammatory, unwise and tends to display a lack of *COM-passion*!.

For a simple start -- "murder" and "taking a human life" are not identical!. And it is entirely proper to regard abortion as the WRONGFUL taking of a human life (or as most-often wrongful, if you believe in a 'life-of-the-mother' exception, as most do) WITHOUT heading in the direction of accusing everyone involved with a KNOWING and MALICIOUS act, which is what murder entails!. Not necessary!.!.!. not helpful!.!.!. not really true!.

The most active and effective pro-lifers are NOT people who run around angrily shouting at people, thrusting graphic pictures in their faces and shouting the 'm'-word!. It is those who truly GRIEVE, over the children who lose their lives AND the WOMEN who are victims in this whole matter!.

NOW, NARAL,Planned Parenthood, etc!. (some of whom make a lot of MONEY off this 'procedure') like to call it "choice"!. But what they rarely (ever!?) acknowledge is that to many, probably MOST, of the women who take this drastic step, it does not feel at ALL like a choice!. They commonly act out of fear, desperation, under pressure from a boyfriend (or even their parents or other friends) to do something they may be very confused about or not really want to do at all!. And in many cases there is NO ONE there to walk them through the sort of support that is available to them if they choose OTHER options!.

The media and "pro-choice" activists and politicians are, unfortunately, not interested in letting the general public even KNOW of the vast resources and networks of compassion and SUPPORT for women confronted with a "crisis pregnancy" as well as for those who may (perhaps even years later) regret the 'choice' they made (whether confidently or, more likely, in fear or under pressure) and need help and counsel (NOT someone seeking to condemn them)!. This is all very sad -- not just because it MIS-portrays those pro-lifers most active in trying to HELP women (and I must confess for years I bought a lot of those caricatures, till I discovered that many of those whose POLITICAL actions were highly publicized, with a negative spin, have LONG been pouring their lives and resources into these women's lives in very tangible ways)!.

So it is those who do not WANT them to make OTHER choices, or even hear about supports (from adoption agencies and homes, shepherding homes, organizations to support them if they keep the child, etc) whom I think bear the greatest guilt in all this -- much more than a desperate young lady!. !. !.

But even there, I've seen many people (esp women) who believed in the 'cause' who came to see that those 'on the other side' (esp the most committed) were NOT the angry, anti-woman sort they had expected!.!.!. who began to see the compassion and then began to listen, to change their attitude, perhaps even their whole view of the matter!.

This, by the way, and NOT angry accusation and inflammatory rhetoric (which takes little real commitment) is how the pro-life movement moves forward, and what it should be about (and, to a much larger degree than I used to think when I was sucked in by the COUNTER-propaganda and biased news coverage, is what it IS about)!.

A couple of notes on bearstirring's comments -- I don't know the sources of the claims!.!.!. perhaps folks who mean well (or think they do) whether they would regard themselves as "pro-life" or "pro-choice"!. At any rate, there is quite a bit of variety in the specific views of the pro-life movement on the related matters mentioned!. But it is NOT true that they regard sperm and egg as somehow equivalent to an embryo or fetus! not hardly! Simple biological fact -- the new, distinct organism does not exist until AFTER sperm fertilizes egg!.

So, while a number of pro-lifers (by no means all!) may believe contraception (other than 'natural planning' methods) is wrong or immoral, they do NOT equate it with abortion (the taking of a human life) and certainly do NOT regard it as 'murder'! OK, you might find someone somewhere who does, but they're not representative!. This is basically a caricature those trying to undercut the pro-life movement spread (they may even believe it is accurate!.!.!. but it is not)!.

As far as linking those in the pro-life movement with "wanting to rain nuclear war on Iran", that's an irrelevant dodge!. Pro-lifers have a VARIETY of positions on these matters, but even for those who DO favor a strong military response (mostly NOT anything like the phrase just used), the matter of seeking to respond to a real THREAT to other human lives is not even remotely equivalent to the issues involved in the abortion decision!. And I'm not sure most 'pro-choice' folks really think so either!.

Finally, I'd be VERY careful about the "woman and her doctor" argument!. Of course, most abortions are performed by doctors who scarcely know the woman involved -- it's not like it's typically the family physician or gynecologist!. This takes us back to the problem of abortion 'mills' and clinics where a lot of MONEY ends up being made!.!.!. and to disturbing things like groups fighting even the most common-sense oversight expected everywhere else in medicine (e!.g!., requirements to safeguard the WOMAN'S health and making sure she is fully informed and able to make a considered decision, which may invovle a one or two day delay)!. Again, it is those who lead THOSE fights that disturb me most, NOT the women in crisis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com