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Position:Home>History> How did the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution promote the developmen

Question: How did the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution promote the development of the rights of Englishmen!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"The Glorious Revolution was when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688!. The event brought a permanent realignment of power within the English constitution!."

"The colonial Glorious Revolution (Fourth Turning, 1675-1704) began with civil upheavals and catastrophic Indian wars—soon followed by Parliamentary efforts to reassert direct royal control over the colonies!. The ensuing resistance culminated in 1689 with colonial rebellions that were triggered by news of the Glorious Revolution in England on behalf of William of Orange!. A further decade of war against Canadian New France ended with Britain’s global triumph, vigorous institutions of colonial self-rule, and a new era of peace with local native tribes!."

"The Glorious Revolution checked the power of the monarchy, paved the way for the rise of cabinet government and parliamentary democracy, and resulted in enacted of the English Bill of Rights--some of whose provisions (such as those forbidding cruel and unusual punishments, excessive fines, or excessive bail) later found their way into the American Bill of Rights in our Federal Constitution!.

Englishmen living 300 years ago believed that the Glorious Revolution was “a thing that cannot be paralleled in history,” whose greatness would be recognized “till time shall be no more!.”
"The Glorious Revolution was the political and governmental upheaval that shook England in 1688!. Through a remarkable series of jolting events King James II, England’s last Roman Catholic sovereign, lost his throne in December 1688; and the English crown was transferred to his own son-in-law and daughter respectively, William and Mary, Prince and Princess of Orange in the Netherlands, who on Feb!. 13, 1689 began ruling England jointly as King William III and Queen Mary II!. "