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Position:Home>History> The history of the 'F' word?

Question: The history of the 'F' word!?
I heard it is an acronym for Fornicating Under Christ and King!. Like from the movie Braveheart where the noble men had the right to sleep with a newly wed!. Does anyone know where the origins of the word come from!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That Fornication Under Consent of the King bit is complete garbage!. The "F" word is very old, coming originally from the German word for "to strike!." It's not an acronym, and it probably arrived as part of Olde English about as early as any other word of that very Germanic tongue!. Check out the explanation, below:Www@QuestionHome@Com

No its not!. And I knew Braveheart was nonsense, but I hadn't heard that bit!. That's not true either!.

It is not known where the F word came from, it doesn't seem to be Anglo-Saxon or Danish, and it hasn't been in the language all that long!. There were other terms used instead!. The first time it can be found is in a piece of medieval Scottish writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com