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Position:Home>History> What were the conditions that led to the WWI, cause, and outcome by the Treaty o

Question: What were the conditions that led to the WWI, cause, and outcome by the Treaty of Versailles!?
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There were a number of reasons behind WWI, dating back to the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 where the agressors, France, were soundly beaten by the Prussians and lost the profitable coal and steel region of Alsace-Lorraine which left them spoiling for another fight!.

The victory of Prussia led to the unification of other northern european states and principalities (of which Prussia was the largest) and created Germany!. The chancellor of this new country, Otto von Bismarck, formed an alliance with it's neighbour Austro-Hungary which made the French extremely nervous!. Therefore to counteract it, the French made a treaty with Russia and thus surrounded the central powers!. Another alliance with Russia was made by Serbia who was not happy with Austro-Hungary's influence on it and the surrounding Balkan states!.

The French were desperate to draw into this tangle of treaties the one major power of the age, Great Britain!. Britain, however, preferred to stay in "splendid isolation" but it did offer the French a loosely worded statement that it would be "morally obliged" to support them if they were attacked!. The only real treaty it had was with Belgium whereby Britain had guaranteed Belgium's neutrality for the past 75 years!.
It was only when Germany began to try and expand it's Empire that Britain began to take notice!. It also began to build German versions of the Royal Navy "Dreadnoughts" and any threat to the RN was not to be stomached!.

Then on June 28th 1914, the heir to the Austrian throne Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Principe, a member of the Black Hand Group a Serbian nationlist movement and the fuse was lit!.

Austro-Hungary gave Serbia an ultimatum to hand over all conspiritors believing the Serbian government was behind the plot and thus being able to finally stamp it's authority on Serbia!. A-H called on Germany's support if the Russians got involved and Germany readily agreed!. The Serbs called on their treaty with Russia and Russia began to mobilise against A-H and Germany and consequently France found itself at war with them too as directed by their alliance with Russia!.
In an effort to knock France out of the war early so not to be fighting on 2 fronts, Germany tried to advance on Paris quickly, avoiding the French defences by invading Belgium!.
Because of this violation of neutrality this brought Britain into the conflict along with a number of it's colonies including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and India!.
By the 4th August the world was at war!.

Except for the US!. The reasons given for the US entry into WWI are the sinking of the American passenger liner the Lusitania by a German U-Boat and the interception of the Zimmerman telegram containing the Kaisers support for Mexico should they attack/invade the US border region!.
However, the main reason is that President Wilson believed it would be advantageous to the US to play a part in European politics after the war and the only way they would have any influence would be having a seat at a future peace table!.
So when word reached the White House that a rapidly sinking Germany had made quiet, tentative approaches to Britain for a possible armastice in late 1917, Wilson immeadiately declared the US intention of siding with Britain and hastily sent troops to Europe and thus guaranteed a strong hand in the final negotiations!.

The added input of the US ultimately crushed Germany, which gave the French leader Georges Clemenceau, bitter at Germany's invasion of his country twice in his lifetime, carte blanche to dictate the Treaty of Versailles!. This involved huge punitive measures in terms of cash reperations to be paid by Germany to France and Britain, the loss of its overseas territories, a limit set on the size of it's army and navy and an outright ban on having an air force!. British Prime Minister David Lloyd George was not a huge fan of the final treaty, believing it was too harsh which may lead to problems in the future; he did not force the issue though, knowing many in Britain wanted to see Germany punished!.
Unfortunately he was proved right, considering this was one of the main issues Hitler used in his rise to power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm slightly concerned there might be a typo in the question!. Are you asking for the conditions leading up to WWI and then the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles or are you asking for the causes of WWII and their outcome as influenced by the Treaty of Versailles!?

WWI: Military build-ups and alliances divided Europe and created a volatile situation that was ready to erupt over any minor affront to one of any number of European countries!. The necessary affront occurred in Sarajevo in 1914 when the Austrian heir apparent, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated by a member of the Young Bosnia movement!. In response, Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia!. Austria's allies (Germany, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria) sided with them, Serbia's with them (France, Russia, Britain, Italy, and the U!.S!.A!.)!.

The Treaty of Versailles divided up the lands and limited the rights of the losing parties - Austria's allies!. It was drafted without any input from the losing side and was forced upon those parties, often against their will!. The backlash against the Treaty led to the military build-up that was at the heart of WWII!.

Hope this helps!. There's a lot more to it, but that's the short answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is this crazy place called a "library" that might have the answerWww@QuestionHome@Com