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Position:Home>History> What civilization, if any, was more barbaric than that of the Vikings?

Question: What civilization, if any, was more barbaric than that of the Vikings!?
I'm doing an editorial on this for an online history course, and I realize the vikings aren't as barbaric as they were once described to be

But does that take away the title of "Most barbaric" away from them!? Is there a civilization or society throughout the course of history that was worse!? If so - who where they and what makes them so much more cruel!? Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would think that the mongols under ghengis khan were more barbaric than the vikings!. you could also make a case for the huns, the visigoths, the moors, germans and japanese in ww2, the normans were pretty brutal, picts, and a few others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try the Soviets or Germans!. Each has killed millions of people!. The Vikings were not barbaric!. The nobles of the middle ages called us vikings barbaric because they wanted to scared people!. Read the Eaters of Dead!. It's a very good look at the culture of my forefathers!. The author used a 1925 translation of the Islamic diplomat (yes, he is real)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd check into the histories of the Berbers, Goths, Huns, Magyars, Vandals and Picts!.!.!.they rival and sometimes completely outdo the Vikings for barbarianism! I actually found the Magyars to be more Barbaric!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats the easiest question I've ever heard!. The British Empire was the most barbaric!. Look at their history!. Conquer of U!.S,Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Southern Asia, Africa, Middle East and more!. Their colonial practices and the coup's that they created!. Like when they overthrew the democratic government of Iran and put a dictator in power!. also the way they split up and helped create India and Pakistan!. They plummeted all those countries into chaos!. Thats why we have most of the problems that we do nowadays!. Look at the middle east, lol they were in control of Gaza and Israel and look whats happening now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com