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Position:Home>History> Holocaust Question. What was the rivalry between Himmler, Heydrich and Goering?

Question: Holocaust Question!. What was the rivalry between Himmler, Heydrich and Goering!?
I dont think Hitler, had much influence inside the actual planning of the Holocaust, it was more so his faithful zealots - Himmler, Heydrich and Goering!. However I was reading something about the Holocaust by Mommsen, which said that there was an extreme rivalry between these men, for Hitler's support!. I know they fought for "Hitler's wishes" but is there any specfic evidence for this!.

Can someone give me some specific evidence to explain what the rivalry was about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why try painting Hitler as a non-willing participant in the holocaust, He was the person who planned it:
Four pages of Nazi documents that outlined the foundation for the Holocaust go on display for the first time beginning Tuesday at a Jewish cultural museum in Los Angeles!. The papers -- decrees signed by Adolf Hitler in 1935 -- made discrimination against Jews part of Germany's national policy!.

The original manuscripts of the Nuremberg Laws, as the documents are called, had been stored in a vault at the Huntington Library, in suburban San Marino, for the past 54 years!. Gen!. George Patton donated the papers to the library's collection in 1945, just after the Allied victory marking the end of World War II!.

The manuscripts -- typewritten in German on plain white paper, wrapped in brown paper and sealed with swastikas stamped in red wax -- set out laws barring marriage between "Aryan" Germans and Jews, defining citizenship in the German Reich, and forbidding cohabitation and other relations with Jews!.

The policy was drafted at a meeting of German leaders in September 1935 and signed by Hitler!.


About rivalry I have no knowledge, it seems like the reverse is true"
in January, 1933, Heydrich and Himmler oversaw the mass arrests of Communists, trade unionists, Catholic politicians and others who had opposed Hitler!. The total number of arrests were so high that prison space became a problem!. An unused munitions factory at Dachau, near Munich, was quickly converted into a concentration camp for political prisoners!.

The gates at Dachau bore the cynical slogan "Arbeit Macht Frei" (work sets you free)!. Political prisoners who survived the 11 hour workday and meager amounts of food were frightened and demoralized into submission, then eventually released!. After Dachau, large concentration camps were opened at Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, and Lichtenburg!.

By April 1934, amid much Nazi infighting and backstabbing, Himmler assumed control of the newly created Secret State Police (Gestapo) with Heydrich as his second in command actually running the organization!.

Two months later, in June, Himmler and Heydrich, along with Hermann G?ring, successfully plotted the downfall of powerful SA chief Ernst R?hm by spreading false rumors that R?hm and his four million SA storm troopers intended to seize control of the Reich and conduct a new revolution
////The Führer has ordered the physical extermination of the Jews," Heydrich told his subordinate Adolf Eichmann, who later reported that statement during his trial after the war!.

The Einsatz groups now turned their attention to the mass murder of Jews!. At his trial in Nuremberg after the war, Otto Ohlendorf, commander of Einsatzgruppe D, described the method!.!.!.
For months after Heydrich's death (1942) , Himmler hesitated on appointing a successor, finally settling on Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a trained lawyer (and alcoholic) who possessed little of his predecessor's skills for intrigue!. Thus after Heydrich's death, Himmler's personal power vastly increased as he took over many of Heydrich's duties!.

Himmler was some sick little pussy manboy!.!.!.who wanted power!. Wasn't Heydrich in charge of the SA!? Himmler (SS)
"helped" Hitler get rid of the SA!. Goering (former WW1 air force fighter!?) was 2nd in command <theoretically> (after Hitler!.) But as the war went on he really faded (he liked to drink too much!.)

Himmler naturally would be suspicious of Goering and vice versa!. Wish I had some hard data for you!. Try google!.

Good luck!. As for the Holocaust I think Hitler was influenced by some German philosophers per "pure" German blood, etc!. I could be wrong, it's been been more than 20 years since I read anything about this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com