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Position:Home>History> What did these people want to change and how did they do it?

Question: What did these people want to change and how did they do it!?
If u kno one post it up
i'm not looking for all of them at once
but please help with as many as you can

if u can tell me where i might be able to find the answer
or if u straight up kno the answer
do tell

Following people i'd like to kno of:
-Rachel Carson

-Cesar Chavez

-Betty Friedan

-Samuel Gompers

-Jesse Jackson

-MLK Jr!. [i might be able to find this one myself]

-Upton Sinclair

-Elizabeth Cady Stanton

-Harriet Beecher Stowe


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rachel Carson wanted pesticides banned because she thought they caused all kinds of illness!. DDT was banned as a result of her book 'Silent Spring'!. The consequence of this is that malaria once again flourishes in countries where it was virtually extinct, hundreds of thousands of people must have died because of that woman!. Possibly millions!.

Caesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association, which sought to unionise migrant workers!. He used strikes, pickedt and marches in the struggle to win contracts from growers an dhimself undertook long fasts to publicise the movement!. In 1968 he promoted a nationwide boycott of California grapes, which led to the table-grape growers recognition of the union in 1970!. In 1972 the United Farm Workers (UFW) with Chavez as its president, became a member union of the AFL-CIO!.

Betty Friedan wote a book called 'The Feminine Mystique' which said that being a housewife was a miserable and pointless existence, and that women who were at home were wasting their time and should all be in the office all day instead!. So now that's what married women do, and they're all much happier, so I gather!.

Samuel Gompers was a founder and long-time president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and believed in non-political trade unionism!.

Jesse Jackson founded PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) in 1971, to promote the economic advancement of black people!. He was a candidate for the Democratic 1984 presidential nomination, being tghe first black American to mount a serious campaign for the office!. He came second to Michael dukakis in the Democrats 1988 presidential nomination, doubling his 1984 vote share!.

Martin Luther King was a great civil rights leader who wanted equality for black people!. He was an immensely eloquent and charismatic speaker!. He was tragically assasinated in 1968!.

Upton Sinclair was a novelist whose novel 'The Jungle' (1906)horrified the world with its exposure of meat-packing conditions in chicago!. His later novels were more and more moulded by his socialist beliefs, and he attempted to found a communistic colony in Englewood, New Jersey!.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the founders of the Women's rights movement in America!. In 1848 , with her friend Lucretia Mott, she organised the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls!. She teamed up with Susan b!. Anthony in 1850, and together they founded the National Women's Suffrage Movement in 1869, which they ran until the end of the century!.

Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the powerful anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, which was published in 1850!. It was one of the most influential novels ever published, and had a profound effect on the attitude towards slavery of northerners!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rachel Carson is regarded as one of the first "authors" to write about the effects of chemicals to insect/bird life and tree life!.
Cesar Chavez is known for his efforts to organize a farm labor movement!. He attempted to organize farm labor for collective bargaining rights!.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized women so they could demand the right to vote!.
Betty Freidan was a feminist who championed the "National Organization of Women"!. NOW supports equal rights for women!. Equal pay for equal work is one right attached to NOW!.
A Google search will provide an array of resources!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummm hariet be!.!.!.!.ummm she wanted to free the slaves yea cesar chavez wanted to help organize the farmers union
mlk jr!. ummm wanted equal rights for evryone (blacks) the same as harriet beecher
jesse jackson was a civil rights activist and he wanted to basically make his own mark in this world!.
samuel gompers he was a visionary and he forced until he got his ideas recognized yea i dk the rest hopefully it helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wikipedia is usually great for this kind of thing, just type each name into the search box and read away!


ceasar chaves worked for farmer workers rights!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was going to list one of the answers but was too annoyed by the misspelling of know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalker statusWww@QuestionHome@Com

Monica Lewinsky - made oral sex not real sexWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's easy to type in the names of any of these people into your search engine (Google or Yahoo)

-Rachel Carson--With the publication of her book (c!. 1961) "Silent Spring," Carson became the founder of the current environmental movement!.)

-Cesar Chavez--Chavez was a leader and organizer for the United Farm Workers during the 60s and 70s!. He wanted to bring decent working conditions and fair pair to thousands of (mostly migrant) farm workers!. He opposed making illegal immigrants legal, but today's UFW takes an opposite view on this issue!.

-Betty Friedan--co-founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and author of several books on women's rights!. Pushed for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)!.

-Samuel Gompers--organized workers by trade in the American Federation of Labor, and became its first president!. Pushed for safe working conditions and fair pay!. The AFL is now part of the AFL-CIO!. Most of his work as a labor organizer was in the last two decades of the 19th century!.

-Jesse Jackson--civil rights leader and advocate for the poor!. Lives in Chicago, where he founded Operation Push!. One of Martin Luther King's closest collaborators!. Democratic candidate for president in 1988!. His son, Jesse Jackson, Jr!. is a Congressperson from Illinois!.

-MLK Jr!. [i might be able to find this one myself]--civil rights and peace advocate (led struggle against war in Vietnam)!. Organized a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama in 1956 as well as other peaceful demonstrations!. Won Nobel Peace prize!.

-Upton Sinclair--author of about 90 books in early 20th century!. Considered a socialist and a muckraker!. Best known book, "The Jungle" is about the meatpacking industry, and is credited with bringing about the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906!.

-Elizabeth Cady Stanton--known as the "mother of the women's rights movement!." She worked with Susan B Anthony in the mid-19th century!. She and her husband were both active in the anti-slavery movement also!.

-Harriet Beecher Stowe--n American author and abolitionist, whose novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) attacked the cruelty of slavery; The impact is summed up in a commonly quoted statement apocryphally attributed to Abraham Lincoln!. When he met Stowe, it is claimed that he said, "So you're the little woman that started this great war!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rachel Carson: http://www!.rachelcarson!.org/
Cesar Chaves: http://www!.americaslibrary!.gov/cgi-bin/p!.!.!.
Betty Friedan: http://www!.americanwriters!.org/writers/f!.!.!.
She cofounded the National Organization for Woman
Samual Gompers: http://www!.aflcio!.org/aboutus/history/hi!.!.!.
Jesse Jackson: http://www!.gale!.cengage!.com/free_resourc!.!.!.
Upton Sinclair: http://www!.kirjasto!.sci!.fi/sinclair!.htm
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: http://www!.nps!.gov/archive/wori/ecs!.htm
Harriet Beecher Stowe: http://digital!.library!.upenn!.edu/women/s!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com